Multiple Measures of Teacher Effectiveness Tulsa Public Schools Jana Burk
Why Multiple Measure Reporting? When done properly, multi-measures provide a more reliable, actionable and valid teacher performance picture. TPS’ multi-measure reporting reveals how well the teacher is: o Teaching students o Reaching students o Impacting students Critical information for professional reflection and growth
Observation Alone: Provides the foundation for effective feedback and coaching Student Perception Survey Alone: Confirms whether teachers’ practices are reaching students All Three Metrics Together Value Added Alone: Communicates teachers’ impact on achievement gains after controlling for factors beyond their control Reliability Least Most Predictive Power (re teacher’s impact on student growth) Least Most National Research Findings Kane, Thomas J., and Douglas O. Staiger. "Gathering Feedback for Teaching: Combining High-Quality Observations with Student Surveys and Achievement Gains. Research Paper. MET Project." Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (2012).
TPS’ Multi-Measure System Report includes observation data plus As available… Value Added Current Year Student Surveys
Important Notes Negotiated with teachers’ union Report scores separately—no composite score Student Surveys and VA are supplemental signals, not drivers Important state and local context
Teachers’ MM Documents Report Observation data: numerical score And…as available: o Value Added: not scores, but categorical descriptions of relative performance o Student Survey: not scores, but categorical descriptions of relative performance
Range Categories Below AverageAverageAbove Average 1 std. dev.
Student Surveys in Tulsa Tripod Piloted in spring 2013, controlled rollout in : district-wide, K-12, all subjects Paper-pencil Fall and spring administration
Lessons Learned Communication and buy-in – Inside – Outside Timing and context Continuous improvement – Solicit and use feedback Using the survey data
More Information? Jana Burk