Building for the future... Capital Stewardship Campaign (CSC) Recommendation Vote
Building for the future... Agenda Welcome Review Council Recommendations and Congregational Modifications Vote
Building for the future... Recommendation Based on CFS recommendation, conduct a Capital Stewardship Campaign (CSC) for the purpose of: Construction of signage/improve frontage Retiring ACME debt Removal of ACME building and conversion of property into parking
Building for the future... Specific Recommendations Work with architect to develop detailed design for desired signage/building frontage Pay off ACME debt Solicit bids to demolish ACME building and develop parking lot, including moving generator shed Prepare a detailed long range plan for the growth of LCG physical plant and ministry Place additional funds in a building fund for future expansion of education wing (EW)/ Tender Shepherd Pre-School (TSP)
Building for the future... Follow-on Recommendations Develop and execute a detailed outreach plan Analyze current space usage to ensure maximum potential Work with architect to refine plans for the EW/TSP expansion Contact church construction missions to determine potential for assistance Based on pledges from 2008 CSC, consider earlier execution of follow-on phases Solicit additional sources of income above and beyond CSC
Building for the future... Long Term Recommendations Conduct a second CSC in 2011 to gather funds for EW/TSP expansion Ground breaking for EW/TSP expansion in Summer 2013 Conduct a third CSC in 2014 for debt reduction of EW/TSP construction Until construction of a new sanctuary, continue and increase multiple worship services to meet needs of the congregation
Building for the future... Move to accept Recommendations Second Vote
Building for the future... THANK YOU!