The global funding crisis has severely impacted on the sustainability of the Non Profit Organisation (NPO) sector, In the Eastern Cape, many NPOs where forced to downsize or to close. Sustainability of NPOs requires a paradigm shift; it requires the NPOs to be innovative.
In strengthening the NPO sector as a key driver of the development agenda within our country and province, the Corporate Social Investment (CSI) space is an area worth expanding.
According to the CSI Handbook (Trialogue) the definition of Corporate Social Investment (CSI) is broadly applied, it can be used in the following: Social investment expenditure by CSI departments Spending on social investment by company divisions or operations that are not part of the CSI function Licence-to-operate expenditure applicable to community development (e.g. LED / SED in mining companies) Donations of goods and services Donations of paid for employee time
CSI expenditure continues to grow and amounted to R7.8 billion in 2013 The top 100 companies accounted for almost 70% of the total estimated CSI expenditure A moral imperative was most often quoted as a major CSI driver (84% of companies in 2013)
CSI expenditure is concentrated in three provinces, Gauteng, KZN and Western Cape Education, social and community development and health receive the most support and largest share of CSI spend Urban projects receive more corporate funding than rural projects National projects receive the largest share of CSI budgets
The purpose of the dialogue is to: Strengthen Public / Private Partnerships Strengthen Business / NPO sector Interface Strengthen Government / NPO sector Interface In being able to achieve this purpose the ECNGOC is hosting this platform to solicit mechanisms to attract funding using innovative mechanism into the NPO sector.
Social entrepreneurship as a key catalyst to generate funds Pre Launch of the Provincial Border Kei Chamber of Business / ECNGOC Provincial CSI Programme Presentation from Government on how to increase funding to NPO sector in terms of NPO delivery of Government Statutory obligations Legal Wise/ ECNGOC CSI Partnership / Corporate Presentation by donors – GIZ /DG Murray Trust Setting up a donor platform as a platform to encourage funding to EC
tapping in the CSI space will strengthen the NPO sector. this platform will encourage a collective voice and action. The CSI sector has an important role to play in development is South Africa. It is therefore essential that corporate, government and civil society have a platform to explore what is working, what is not, and how we can work together to ensure that every precious rand spent by companies on development is used to good effect