Topics Working with the budget template Submission requirements overview FAQs Individual Consultation
Working with the Budget Template
Note the 4 tabs – fill in numbers on the first 3
Put cursor over a cell with a red triangle to get instructions or hints
Start typing here Or here to put in text
If you want to adjust cell widths or text wrapping, can use a partially unprotected format: 555-lastname-budget-workbook-corrected-2 (request one from Do NOT change any column or row headers or the number of rows or columns We need the format to stay the same so that the summary page is accurate!
General hints: Give your best budget estimate but budgets will be reviewed and possibly modified when awards are made Facilities budgets will be handled when project funding priorities are established
Provide general information on space needs at this time.
Submission Requirements Complete proposal – must adhere to length restrictions Budget Signature sheet with Part 1 completed
555-lastname-budget-workbook OR 555-lastname-final-proposal 555-lastname-budget-workbook-corrected lastname-signature-form Files to submit Proposal number is found in the filename of your feedback form Last name of team’s primary contact
Submit as attachments via to By 4:30 pm on Friday March 27 th (we will keep submission open until 5 pm) Copy anyone who needs to sign-off on part 2 They will review and return directly to innovation
FAQs Who will review? - Innovation Council (same team of 3, plus one more group) & University Leadership Council - Financial Planning and Review Committee (budgets) Input to president
FAQs What were the most common issues with pre- proposals? -Need to write for more general audience -Need to make stronger case for innovation & impact and connection with advancing the strategic plan
FAQs When will funding start? We anticipate a July 1, 2015 start date
Individual Consultations Members of the Innovation Council and Financial Planning and Review Committee have orange name tags us at if you have more
Feedback on Process We will solicit feedback on this year’s process to adjust for next year and appreciate your patience during this inaugural competition. us at if you have