A Navajo Weaving Unit New Mexico Standards Based Modern Red School House Standards By Eldora García with Roy E. Howard Mae Beth Bidibé Hºl≠
Díí Dibé Mae Beth Táididoogizh This is the sheep that Mae Beth sheared Navajo Sheep Link
Beesh ah¶d¶di¬¶ These are the shears that cut the wool from the sheep that Mae Beth sheared.
Tsá’ász’ bikét¬’óól This is the yucca root that Mae Beth used to wash the wool that came from the sheep that Mae Beth sheared.
Aghaa’ ní¬ch’i bii’iig¡¡dgo hasht’elné¢h This is the wind that cleaned the debris from the wool that came from the sheep that Mae Beth sheared.
Bila’ dibé baghaa’ hasht’eelééh These are the hands that cleaned the debris from the wool that came from the sheep that Mae Beth sheared.
Díí aghaa’ hasht’e dooln¶¶¬ This is the wool that Mae Beth made clean and free of sticks, thistles, dirt, and tiny seedlings.
D¶¶ bee ha’nilcha¡dí These are the carding combs that Mae Beth used to card the wool fine and pliable from the sheep that Mae Beth sheared.
D¶¶ bee ‘adizí This is the spindle that Mae Beth used to spin, yarn, and fiber the wool that came from the sheep that Mae Beth sheared.
Sh¡¡nd¶¶n dóó ní¬ch’i This is the sunshine and the breeze that dried the wool that came from the sheep that Mae Beth sheared.
Ch’il ‘ahwee’ These are the plants that are used to dye the wool that came from the sheep that Mae Beth sheared.
D¶¶ k– dóó béésh bii’iigisí This the fire and wash tub that boiled the water and dyed the wool that came from the sheep that Mae Beth sheared.
Dah ‘iist¬’≠ This is the loom that Mae Beth used to create the rug made of wool that came from the sheep that Mae Beth sheared.
Diyogí This is the precious Navajo rug that Mae Beth made from the wool that came from the sheep that Mae Beth sheared.
Mae Beth Bighaan This is the home of the rug that came from the sheep that Mae Beth sheared.
D¶¶ kéyah shªgo dibé chiiyoo¬’ª This is the summer pasture of the sheep that Mae Beth sheared.
This is the view from the mountain of the home of the sheep that Mae Beth sheared. Dzi¬d§§’ kéyah bikaa’góó jideez’ªª’