Breeding Sheep Essentials Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Topics to Discuss The following topics will be discussed: Selection Facilities and Equipment Nutrition Health Fitting and Showing Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Selection Breeds Choice of wooled breeding sheep (Columbia, Corriedale, Delaine-Merino, and Rambouillet), medium wool breeding sheep (Dorset, Hampshire, Southdown, and Suffolk), or hair breeding sheep (Dorper and Royal White). Major shows that have breeding sheep shows: State Fair of Texas in Dallas, Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show in Fort Worth, San Antonio Livestock Exposition, San Angelo Livestock Show, and Houston Livestock Show. Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Selection Breeds Dallas (junior & open) Shows Breeds Dallas (junior & open) Columbia, Delaine-Merino, Dorper, Dorset, Hampshire, Rambouillet, Southdown, Suffolk Fort Worth (junior & open) Delaine-Merino, Dorset, Hampshire, Rambouillet, Southdown, Suffolk San Antonio (junior & open) San Angelo (junior & open) Junior – Delaine-Merino, Dorper, Rambouillet, Ewe Lamb futurity Open – Columbia, Delaine-Merino, Dorper, Rambouillet, Southdown Houston (junior & open) Columbia, Corriedale, Delaine-Merino, Dorper, Dorset, Hampshire, ORB, Rambouillet, Royal White, Southdown, Suffolk Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Selection cont. Age Divided into classes based on teeth.(rules vary) Some times they are shown according to age on registration papers. Generally three age divisions: Lamb, two-tooth(yearling), four to six-tooth(aged) Sheep with more than six permanent teeth may not exhibit Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Selection cont. Quality Considerations The following considerations should be taken when selecting a sheep: Structural correctness Growth Muscle Breed and sex characteristics Approx. 40-50% of evaluation of wooled breeding sheep is on fleece Little emphasis placed on wool in medium and hair breeding sheep. Wool characteristics to watch: lbs of wool, grade and uniformity of grade, length, density, character, belly wool, wool blindness, hairy britch Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Selection cont. Shearing guidelines Apply primarily to wooled breeding sheep Most shows require Rambouillet, Columbia, and Corriedale sheep to be shorn on or after October 20th of the calendar year preceding the show. Rambouillet with staple length in excess of 2 inches will be disqualified Delaine-Merino sheep aged(4 to 6 tooth) sheep only must be shorn to the skin on or before March 15, of the calendar year preceding the show. Many shows require medium wool to be slick shorn above the knee and hock joint Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Selection cont. Ownership All sheep must be registered in the Handbook of their Association in the name of the Junior owner on or before November 1, the preceding year. Open shows require ownership in Handbook of Association 30 days prior to the show. State Fair of Texas requires ownership 90 days prior to show Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Facilities and Equipment Minimum space of 500 ft2 of pen space and 30 ft2 of shelter space per sheep is recommended Should be well drained. Pen height should be at least 42 inches to discourage jumping and predators Can be hand-fed or self-fed If hand-feeding allow for 1 1/2 linear feet of trough space per sheep If self-feeding allow for 6-8 inches of trough space per sheep Access to clean water most important when feeding. Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Nutrition No particular feed that should be fed Sheep must have basic daily nutritional requirements: Water Protein Energy Minerals Vitamins Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Nutrition cont. If raising own lambs important to not only feed brod sheep but also creep feed young lambs Good creep feed contains 16-18% crude protein, proper mineral balance, not too much roughage or fiber, contain antibiotics After buying sheep should be put on growing ration (14-16% protein), proper mineral balance, roughage, and antibiotics if necessary Can either be self-fed or hand-fed Recommended to hand-feed breeding sheep to allow more accurate evaluation and prevention over conditioning Feed should be fresh and consistent Should gain 3-4% of their body weight a day. Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Health Keeping breeding sheep healthy is very important! Prevention is the key to a successful health program. Administer vaccination program recommended by local veterinarian Vaccinate for enterotoxemia and soremouth and treated for internal parasites Regular hoof trimming is also necessary Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Health cont. When administering drugs follow all directions on drug labels to Quality Assurance. The use of drugs in manner unintended violates laws set by the Food and Drug Administration Texas livestock shows have strict laws for illegal drug use and will disqualify animals if illegal drugs are used Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Fitting and Showing Fitting breeding sheep is an ART!! Wooled breeding sheep are generally fitted differently than medium wool and hair breeding sheep because they are shown in the wool and are not washed. Necessary equipment to fit wooled breeding sheep: Electric clippers with blades Hand shears Wool cards(2) Hoof trimmers Curry comb Brush Blankets and hoods - Bucket - Spray bottle - Wool rag - Soap - Trimming table - Rope halters Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Fitting and Showing cont. Wooled breeding sheep must be fitted completely Medium and haired breeding sheep can be shown in the wooled or slick shorn depending on show rules. If shown in wooled must be shorn 1-2 months before show. If shown slick then must be washed and shorn immediately before the show. Do not use artificial coloring Can be led on halters, but should learn to lead Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Additional questions to address with Exhibitors What are the goals of the 4-H member and family? At what major shows do you wish to exhibit breeding sheep? Do you need assistance in locating and selecting your project? Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Additional Resources for Breeding Sheep Texas Breeding Sheep Guide By Frank Craddock and Ross Stultz Texas 4-H and Youth Development
Conclusions All aspects of the selection process should be understood. (breeds, quality, ownership, age, shearing guidelines) Proper facilities should be available. Proper diets and nutritional information about feeding sheep should be identified. Health is one of the most important aspects of raising breeding sheep. All rules should be followed in regards to fitting prior to show. Texas 4-H and Youth Development