NOISE REDUCTION FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE Chris Morehouse: Team Leader Julie Maier: Resonator Lead Ted Zachwieja: ANC Lead Caroline Bills: Lead Engineer Prof. Edward Hanzlik: Team Guide Dr. Alan Nye: Customer Mr. Jagdish Tandon: Graduate TA P11221 NOISE REDUCTION FOR INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE
Project Overview Understand phenomenon of sound Design sound attenuation system(s) Maintain engine performance
RESONATOR DEMONSTRATION MODULE Study of resonators Variable cavity lengths (both) 2 outer pipe options (Concentric Tube only) CONCENTRIC TUBE RESONATOR HELMHOLTZ RESONATOR
RESONATOR TESTING Concentric Tube: Helmholtz: Vary Frequency Vary Length Waveform Helmholtz: Vary frequency Waveform CONCENTRIC TUBE RESONATOR TONE GENERATOR (LAPTOP) SOUND LEVEL METER SPEAKERS
CONCENTRIC TUBE FIXED FREQUENCY TEST RESULTS Predicted: Max at ½ λ ~ 20 to 30 dBA Result: Max 6 dB Offset Reduction at ½ λ > ¼ λ SCT similar results SCT less reduction than LCT for most
CONCENTRIC TUBE FIXED LENGTH TEST RESULTS Predicted: Max at ½ λ Less at ½ λ multiples ~ 20 to 30 dBA Result: Offset from λ multiples Max ~ 10 dBA (550 Hz) SCT similar results SCT less reduction Possible sources of error: Exact location cavity length (o-ring or plunger end) Possible weird wave motion in plunger rod section
HELMHOLTZ RESONATOR FIXED FREQUENCY TEST RESULTS Prediction: Modest reduction (at least 10 dBA) Narrow Frequency Range Result: Reduction offset Achieved expected level
WAVEFORM TESTING RESULTS target peak frequencies for each resonator C-Tube – around ½ λ for each F Helm – freq equation
CONCENTRIC TUBE RESONATOR RESULTS Optimal = 26 cm Overall ~ 9.6 dBA Optimal based on reduction at peaks and overall reduction Modest attenuation across broad frequency range
HELMHOLTZ RESONATOR RESULTS No clear optimal Overall reduction ~ 0 dBA Behavior of resonator – narrow frequency band Possibly array
Absorption Muffler: overview Outer steel casing Perforated inner steel pipe 5 shapes Steel end caps Packing material in cavity 3 materials 3 densities
Absorption Muffler: material & density options Fiberglass Mineral Wool Steel Wool Fiberglass & Mineral Wool: 175, 200, and 225 g/L Steel Wool: Grades 0000, 1, and 4 Mineral Wool – made from molten glass, stone, or slag which is spun into a fiber-like structure similar to common household insulation Steel Wool grade - determines the thickness of the strands in the steel wool
Absorption Muffler Testing Test 1: Optimal Packing Material & Density Standard Shape Option only Test 2: Optimal Shape Optimal Material & Density only
Optimal material Results
Optimal shape Results
Active Noise Cancellation Additive property of sound Noise cancellation
Dipole Box
Feed forward Control
Project Evaluation Resonator Demo Absorption ImagineRIT Resonator behaved as expected Waveforms testing success Absorption Steel wool better material Geometry needs further testing ImagineRIT Successful Lots of positive feedback Back pressure testing Inconclusive Overall = success Very good knowledge gain Good start for follow-on projects SAE Recommendations Steel Wool packed muffler Concentric Tube Resonator
RECOMMENDATIONS Resonators Absorption ANC Variable length for testing on ICE Array of Helmholtz resonators Optimize concentric tube for Formula SAE Nature of Offset Absorption Composite Material layering Continue Steel Wool Density Testing ANC Complete working system (demo) Apply to B&S Engine Develop Feedback system Develop prediction models for all Design Back Pressure testing system Engine Mounted w/ Engine Loaded
Questions?? References: Bell, Lewis H. Industrial noise control: Fundamentals and Applications. New York : M. Dekker, 1982. Print. ANC patent on EDGE website