The Regulation Zoo: Dealing With Compliance Within The Firewall World Avishai Wool CTO & Co-Founder, AlgoSec
Agenda Introduction Relevant Regulations Common Themes Demo
The Regulations Zoo Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) Japanese Financial Instruments (JSOX) Euro-SOX – Company Law Directive 8 - Coming soon (?) PCI DSS – Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard ISO27001 FISMA – US federal agencies HIPAA – US Healthcare Industry Basel-II – Banking Confidential
Sarbanes Oxley Act (SOX) Goal: Protect Accuracy of Financial Data Background: Financial scandals (Enron, …) Affects public companies on US stock exchange, multinational corporations Financial data is on computers, … Computers are on networks … Firewalls enforce access to networks … Firewalls become regulated Confidential
Working with SOX Law is very “high-level” (10,000 meter altitude…) Very hard to act based on it COSO framework : 6 major “Components” More grounded than law (5,000 meter…) CobiT framework: 34 “Control Objectives” Almost something you can work with (2,000 meter…) Confidential
SOX “cousins and relatives” Japan (J-SOX) : “Japanese Financial Instruments Law” Equivalent to SOX + COSO, but in Japanese Seems to accept CobiT framework EU: “Company Law Directive 8” Approved by EU institutes (very high level) Implementation Framework ? Sent to member countries for implementation guidelines Coming soon ? Confidential
PCI DSS – Payment Card Industry Goal: Protect credit card information Background: Credit Card fraud / theft Affects any organization that handle credit cards (in stages, from large down to small) Enforced aggressively by credit card companies Credit card data is on computers, … Computers are on networks … Firewalls enforce access to networks … Firewalls become regulated Confidential
Working with PCI DSS Includes very specific “commandments” for firewalls: Thou shall have a DMZ on your firewall Thou shall NOT allow services other than HTTP, SSL, SSH and VPN through the firewall (without convincing documentation) Thou shall use NAT and avoid routable addresses Thou shall have a connectivity diagram of Firewall Thou shall Assess / Scan your firewalls quarterly Etc etc. Confidential
Voluntary compliance – but wide-spread in Europe ISO 27001 General Standard – for any Information Security Management System (ISMS). Voluntary compliance – but wide-spread in Europe British standard BS 7799 ISO 17799 ISO 27001/2 Moto: Plan / Do / Check / Act [PDCA] Firewalls are clearly part of any ISMS, … Firewalls become regulated Confidential
More Regulations: HIPAA Goal: Control privacy of personal medical information Affects any US organization in healthcare industry (hospitals, clinics, insurance companies, pharmaceutical) Basel-II Goal: Control banking (and inter-banking) data Affects any bank (that wants to do business with other banks) FISMA Affects US federal agencies Confidential
Common Themes – for Firewalls Control the Risk Control the Changes Control the Infrastructure Compliance Reporting Confidential
Control the Risk Define a Security Policy Or use industry best practices as your policy Review your rule-base for security policy violation Periodic Internal / External audit Software systems Scan (PCI mandates scan by a “QSA”) Avoid high risks PCI, FISMA give specific requirements about risky services Confidential
Control the Changes Have a firewall rule change process Request / Plan / Implement / Validate Track firewall changes At least: Who did What, Where, When Better: also Why Confidential
Control the Changes – Cont. Alerting / Monitoring Set up e-mail / syslog / snmp Send alerts when changes are detected Better: integrate with SIM system Audit Keep change records for a long time Confidential
Control the Infrastructure Connectivity Diagram Maintain an up-to-date diagram Firewall Management Avoid Default Passwords Avoid Default Settings Confidential
Compliance Reporting Each regulation has its own reporting requirement Lengthy forms, require a long time to complete Confidential
The AlgoSec Firewall Analyzer Live demo – Compliance Confidential 17
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