Conditions for Bradford before the Industrial Revolution Crowded streets Shortage of toilets Litter and exceretion on the streets Polluted Water Diseases everywhere Very Poor living Conditions Woolcombers lived in one room where they eat and sleep.
Woolcombers The wool combers ate, slept and breathed in the same room. There was only one room where the wool was combed and where everyone lived including the women and the children. The men usually combed the wool by hand. Combing wool was a dangerous job. The men had to use hot iron in order to comb the wool and the room was so crowded that anyone could hurt themselves very easily.
Transport Before the Industrial Revolution the only was to get around was using a horse and a cart. Transport was slow, it took you days to get from one place to another using a horse and a cart. You couldn’t take heavy things in one go because the horses won’t be able to pull them. You had to stop to feed the horses.
Canals The first canal was built in The duke of Bridgewater employed James Brindley to come up with a solution for the transport problems and the solution was the Bridgewater canal. The Results Transport was cheaper. Businessmen could sent lots of things together. The government benefited because they charged people money to use the canal.
The Railway stations There was still a problem with transport. People wanted a railway station because the transport was still slow. It would have been faster than the canals. It would be cheaper. People didn’t want a Railway station because:- The railway track was going to be built close to the people’s houses which meant that there would be lots of noise there.
Machinery Machinery was invented and things started to change. Machinery meant more work could be done, but it also meant that a lot of people were left redundant. People were angry that there was no work left for them, they started to riot.
Cholera The word of a disease named cholera started to spread. The disease first started in India and was starting to spread across Europe. The disease started to spread because of the dirty which people drank. Cholera was a deadly disease and killed lots of people. No cure for the disease had yet been developed.
The Result The Bradford Revolution left Bradford in a much better than the state it was before, as you can see for yourself. Bradford was later described as the most industrialised town but now the conditions are turning bad again.we shoud do something to make Bradford a cleaner place.