Danny and Emmanuel Fentress Homeroom
My hypothesis is that the water will rust steel wool the fastest because it has the most oxygen.
Steel wool. Coke Salt water Water Windex Vinegar Paper/pencil
1.Set out cups in a dry area 2.Pour ½ cup amount of each liquid in each Petri cup 3. Place the steel wool in each cup in equal amount. 4.Every day, observe what is happening to the steel wool. 5.Repeat #4 for 8 days.
liqui ds Day 1Day 2Day 3Day 4Day 5Day 6 D ay7 Day 8 Salt water Peach color cloudi ness, small odor. Cloud iness No rust notice able. A lot of rust dark tan color in water. More signs of rust Dark tan colora tion. Almo st full ruste d steel wool peach water colora tion Full ruste d steel wool peach color in water Vineg ar Small no rust, air bubbl es in water. No water discol oratio n no sign of rust. No sign of rust peach colora tion in water Full ruste d steel wool, very dark color in water Full ruste d steel wool, dark color in water Full ruste d steel wool dark black color in water Steel wool has been dissolve d in half, full rusted steel wool cokeNo rust notice able Slight signs of rust More signs of rust dark water colora tion Full ruste d steel wool, dark color in water Wind ex No rust notice able
I have concluded that the vinegar will have rusted the steel wool the fastest because in all of the liquids I used it had the most chemicals.
I used my science notebook.