Steam-Boiler System in Charon Wonhong Nam
CIS 6402 Introduction A workshop, “ Formal Methods for Industrial Applications ”, 1995 To evaluate the use of various formal methods for practical applications. The Steam-boiler problem non-trivial non-academic hybrid system
CIS 6403 Purpose of Project To understand features of the specification language for hybrid system. Modeling the steam-boiler system in Charon. Analyzation my model using assertion and simulation.
CIS 6404 Steam-Boiler System Overview Controller Program transmission
CIS 6405 Controller Program
CIS 6406 Modeling Issues Environment variables water, steam, water_from_pump water_from_pump: discretization if(pump==on) water_from_pump = P else water_from_pump = 0 steam water d(water) == d(water_from_pump) – d(steam) – d(valve)
CIS 6407 Analysis Assertion checking In normal, degraded, and rescue modes, water level: 200 <= water <= 800 transmission: transmission_OK == true In emergency stop pump == close valve == close If one of them is violated, Property violation is detected at time [agent] program [mode] [property] name: asstPro_normal0, id: 0 Generating graph input... Please, execute "xgraph.\traces\graphsteam_boilergSim.rep"
CIS 6408 Analysis Simulation Water level
CIS 6409 Analysis Simulation Program mode
CIS Conclusion Model a steam-boiler system in Charon. Analyze the model using assertion checking and simulation.