Progressive Science Missions Overview of resources Schedule Data logging and communication Individual flight plans Joint flight plans Agenda:
Overview of resources New Particle FormationDenver U.- Kent State32 hours DOCIMS – SrCuMMM-UCLA27 hours / 19 sondes START – UTLSNCAR- UTLS48 hours / 28 sondes Static pressure defectUC-Irwine18 hours CHAPS – HIAPERNCAR-RAF39 hours / 6 sondes TOTAL164 hours / 53 sondes November – December150 hours January14 hours TOTAL FLIGHT DAYS November – December25 days Flight hours per day (average)6 hours Assuming 9-hours per flight, then fly 2/3 of all days (more than 3 days/week) Double crew etc. - Even so, we may not be able to fly all hours.
Schedule and Issues (1) 14 Sep – 30 SepInfrastructure test flights 14 Sep – 30 SepInfrastructure test flights, 2 weeks Data system, state parameters, turbulence system Structural and electrical analysis Icing 'certification' of air intakes 3 Oct – 18 NovUpload: Dropsonde cabling, cabin to baggage compartment Trailing cone tubing, cabin to boiler room (21 days) HIAPER maintenance + other smaller tasks Load aft racks first Install air intakes and H2O Certify IF DONE EARLY, THEN MOVE SCHEDULE UP (unlikely)
Schedule and Issues (2) 14 Sep – 30 SepInfrastructure test flights 21 Nov – 23 DecMain flight period, 5 weeks, 150 hours 27 Dec – 1 JanNo flights 2 Jan – 6 Jan Upload: Install trailing cone in tail deck 9 Jan – 13 JanFly trailing cone: 1 local flight 1 Pacific flight (surface to max altitude) 16 Jan – 28 FebT-Rex upload 1 Mar – 30 AprT-Rex flight 1 May – onwardsHIAPER infrastructure upgrade period
HIAPER satcom capabilities We will be working on this during progressive science (was not part of a/c delivery) Plan to have IRC chat available We will be attempting ground data xfer Sftp/scp up also a possibility Use of satcom constrained by budget: 2Mbytes/hour
Distribution of flight time – What are the rules Everybody have their own objectives – ours is to provide the best possible measurements to you. That means: On some of 'your' flights, we will have to add a bit extra time to do basic aircraft characterization. We will pay for that, but otherwise the projects will pay for ferry time etc.
Characterization of HIAPER in Progressive Science (CHAPS) CHAPS request through OFAP/NSF to provide familiarization and characterization of HIAPER systems. –Flight Crew weather familiarization (Boynton) –Dropsonde check out (Jensen, RTF staff) –State Parameter Calibration and Characterization (Jensen, Schanot) –Performance testing of inlets and exhaust system (Romashkin, Campos, Rogers). –Testing of Aerosol and Trace Gas instruments (Rogers, Campos, Romashkin) –Cabin leak testing and boundary layer characterization (Rogers, Campos) Priorities, Stith, PI
Weather Familiarization Simulated T-Rex mission in mountain wave turbulence High altitude convective turbulence Sampling of modest convective cloud (e.g. smaller than thunderstorm, such as a Cu congestus)
Switch to Schanot word document
Trailing cone Purpose: To compare aircraft static pressure measurements from the fuselage holes to the static pressure measured 150 ft behind the aircraft in 'un- disturbed' air. Tap into static system, insert a differential pressure transducer between static system and trailing cone static tube. Height of trailing cone does not matter Move the aircraft into the experimental category Fly one flight (4 hours over Colorado) to test system – ground station in eastern Colorado Fly one flight over the Pacific (surface to 40 kft), within 100 km of ground station on the beach. Lever flight legs at different speeds.
Differential GPS Purpose: To characterize the quality of static pressure measurements from HIAPER One unit on HIAPER, one on the ground. Novatel OEM4 L1/L2. Typical accuracy cm in vertical and horizontal. Use ground station (GPS, p-stat, T) to predict the static pressure at the flight level: Low-level legs in mixed-layer at different airspeeds (absolute static pressure comparison) High-and low-level legs to give static error as a function of attitude angles (mainly pitch variations due to airspeed variations) Use hypsometric (hydrostatic equation)
Switch to Dave Rogers powerpoint Switch to Teresa Campos word document
Gulfstream V Test Flights: Static Pressure Correction and and Boundary-Layer Thickness Carl A. Friehe UC Irvine Purpose: To determine the static pressure defect on the GV via an extensible Pitot-static tube, which will also provide the boundary-layer profile. This has been subsumed into the RAF Pitot rake project. Requirement: The Pitot-static should be away from the fuselage in the free-stream flow. The flow distortion by the RAF Pitot rake must be minimized.
Required Measurements: The dynamic and static pressures from the Pitot-static tube. Whether the static pressure is also plumbed to a differential transducer with the research static is up to RAF. Flight Profile: The data are to be recorded continuously at 10 Hz minimum. Straight and level runs of at least 2 min at various altitudes are required, and are probably exactly compatible with other requirements. Measurements at altitudes lower than Boulder are required, down to near sea level.
Drizzle and Open Cells in Marine Stratocumulus – DOCIMS Don Lenschow and Bjorn Stevens, Co-Investigators We plan to study the relationship between pockets of open cells (POCs) and drizzle Does drizzle help maintain an open-cell structure in MS? Is drizzle associated with the presence of elevated moist layers? Objectives: Study the thermodynamic and dynamic structure of an open- cell MS region Compare with an adjacent uniform MS region Use observations as basis for LES of MS
Pockets of Cells (POCs): Are they caused by drizzle? (Stevens et al., BAMS, 2004) Channel 1 GOES-10 reflectance at 0730 LT 11 Jul 02. Zoomed image from photo at right with flight segment overlaid. Time-height radar reflec- tivities from RF-02 DYCOMS C-130 flight. White line is SABL lidar estimate of cloud top.
Vertical structure of the boundary layer Stevens et al., BAMS, 84 (2003) Airplane soundings from RF01. The red circles are from eight 30 min circles in the PBL and two above the PBL.. From right to left: Total water mixing ratio; liquid water potential temperature; and liquid water mixing ratio. Gray shaded area is the cloud layer; z i is PBL depth; and h is cloud thickness.
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