ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Contract Specifications Background on ODOT Plans & Specifications –“Plans” = design drawings –“Specs” = Standard Specifications and Boiler Plate Special Provisions and Special Provisions –Project “Contract” = Plans + Standard Specifications + Contract Special Provisions Contract Special Provisions = “Contract Specifications” –custom prepared during Project Development –Biologist needs to be proactive for edits
ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Contract Specifications (cont.) The good news: –Most of the FAHP requirements are already in ODOT’s Standard and BP SPs The bad news: –Standard Specifications 2008 –Boiler Plate Special Provisions –2008 plus many little updates –ODOT currently working on 2015 Specs –No new Boiler SP updates probably allowed in the mean time –This means...minor updates needed for Project Special Provisions to comply with FAHP BP SPs = Boiler Plate Special Provisions
ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Contract Specifications (cont.) Mobilization & Staging –Standard = Contractor designated & permitted. However, under ESA, effects may be considered Interrelated & Interdependent. –Agency may reduce the risk of potential regulatory violations by clearing and designating sites that are to be used for the Contract, and use SP
ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Contract Specifications (cont.) Temporary Water Management, SP0245 –Unlike SLOPES IV, under FAHP, TWMP does not require Services review/approval. –Services can provide technical input on TWMP. In-Water Work in streams with native fish –Add BP SP for on-site meeting –Add BP SP (a, b), edited for project location –Willamette Falls IWWW exclusion Depends on location & type work Coordinate with Services
ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Contract Specifications (cont.) General Equipment SP –Edit BP SPs per User’s Guide (pgs 35-38) –Most relate to FAHP 150-ft buffer –Distance may be modified based on site conditions and justified in Project Notification Goal is avoid polluting aquatic habitat Reduce if some sort of barrier Increase if wider floodplain or marsh Special Aquatic Sites SP (c-4) –Use of pesticides or herbicides. Delete “herbicide” if allowed (pg 36) BP SPs = Boiler Plate Special Provisions Page references are for May 2013 User’s Guide
ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Contract Specifications (cont.) Drilling, Boring, Jacking SP (c-8) –If IWW with ESA fish present, FAHP requires NMFS be contacted within 48 hours – Coordinate with Project Manager Utility Lines SP (c-13) –If IWW in ESA streams & Agency-controlled utility –New SP for FAHP –Save/re-using large wood, streambed gravel
ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Contract Specifications (cont.) SP (c-7) Hydroacoustics –As relevant, add and edit BP SPs per User’s Guide (pgs 36-37) –Distance & pile size depends on site conditions and effects to covered species Early Coordination Additional information in Project Notification Add bubble curtain SPs if needed (Appendix 7) –Steller Sea Lion Haul Outs (pg 37) Work Containment (SP ) –Unlike SLOPES IV, FAHP allows certain uses of treated wood & barges (pg 38)
ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Contract Specifications (cont.) Clearing & Grubbing (SP 00320) –Standard specs , , & may be in conflict with FAHP regarding contractor requirements for removal & disposal –If applicable to project, add/edit BP: SP00320(b-4) to protect trees & down timber SP00320(b-5) to save/stockpile veg, trees, down timber for site restoration or mitigation SP to create Agency ownership new SP (a-13) to save/stockpile boulders or stream gravels
ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013 Contract Specifications (cont.) Weed Control – Sec –Under FAHP certain herbicides allowed in/near regulated habitat –FAHP very specific about application conditions, chemicals (pg 40-42) –Will require new SPs and inspections Planting – Sec –Many SPs needed for better success of habitat restoration & to support Plans Waterway Enhancements – Sec –SPs may be needed to support Plans Page references are for May 2013 User’s Guide
ODOT Programmatic ESA Consultation on the Federal-Aid Highway Program (FAHP) User’s Guide Training, June-July 2013