Energy management for small & medium-sized manufacturers Nate Altfeather Industrial Sector Engineering Manager Focus on Energy
Topics Starting an energy efficiency program Tips and tricks for finding efficiency opportunities in your organization Focus on Energy for manufacturers
Power vs. energy 100,000 BTUh x 1 HOUR = 1 THERM 100,000 BTU/hr 1 HOUR POWERTIMEENERGY
1.3 hp = 1kW x 1 HOUR = 1 kWhr 1 kW 1 HOUR POWERTIMEENERGY Power vs. energy
Understanding energy kW TIME 17 kW
Energy management $ TIME
Where to start Understanding your potential –What is your annual energy expense? –Apply assumed potential savings ~10% –What can you do with this? Can I afford to hire a third party? Is it worth my time?
Understanding your energy profile EquipmentAvg. Power [BTU/hr or KW] Hrs/yrEnergy Use [therm or kWh] Cost of Energy Boiler1,000,0003,50035,000$28,000 Compressor377,500279,750$22,380 Lights206,000120,000$9,600 Total $/yr$59,980
Assess opportunity (in order of priority) 1.Do I even need my existing equipment? 2.Is my existing equipment working properly? 3.Is this the most efficient model/design? 4.What are the economics to upgrade?
Top 10 electric savings measures Industrial kWh: Jan 2010 – June 2010 implemented MeasureDescTxt UsagekWhSavings T8 lighting55323,993,485$1,919,479 Motor NEMA premium—all382453,663$36,293 Compresses air system leak repair total24923,221,456$1,857,716 Variable speed drive on pump/fan—all14818,476,423$1,478,114 Occupancy sensors—all1092,034,970$162,798 Air compressor equipped with VSD—all704,605,782$368,463 Custom projects—all (measure name starts with custom) 395,487,577$439,006 BOUNTY-T8—all2847,248$3,780 Chiller system tune-up, water/air cooled—all27508,512$40,681 All CFL related measures14130,327$10,434 Rooftop A/C—all843,327$3,466 Total$6,320,230
Top 10 gas savings measures Industrial Therm: Jan 2010 – June 2010 implemented MeasureDescTxt UsageThermsSavings Tune-up, boiler112505,816$404,653 Custom projects (measure name starts with custom) 39936,332$749,066 All dock door/ramp pit prescriptives3357,896$46,317 Repair leaking steam trap –all26185,789$148,631 Exhaust air heat recovery system8401,887$321,510 Linkageless boiler control, per output hp798,150$78,520 Process heat recovery6641,800$513,440 Boiler prescriptive space heating511,398$9,118 Infrared heating units—all46,782$5,426 Energy recovery ventilator—all42,925$2,340 Furnace with ECM fan motor—all41,519$1,215 Total$2,280,235
Contact Focus today Call: Visit: Mail:Focus on Energy 431 Charmany Drive Madison, WI Nate Altfeather