Newborn Senses 50 Lessons Over Easy 1
Newborn’s senses and other faculties begin to function at birth. Even though it can be difficult to evaluate an infant’s senses, you can notice an infant give a degree of interest to an object, sound or smell. 2
Touch: Relate to it’s surroundings. React to warm, soft, and firm pressure on their bodies. This is critical for parent-child bonding to occur. Cuddling, kissing, and touching. Sight: Sees objects within 12 to 18 inches. They enjoy looking at human faces, high contrast objects, mobiles, and brightly colored toys and decorations. 3
Hearing: New sounds will capture attention. Quickly after birth, they can locate the source of a sound. Smell and Taste: React to sweet, sour, and salty tastes. They become noticeably upset to foul odors. Babies as young as 6 days old can be distinguish their mothers by scent. 4
Newborn Senses Handout, pg. 86 5