Feeding the Newborn 50 Lessons Over Easy 1
Breast Feeding 2
Breast milk is easy to digest and provides nutrients in the amounts of baby need to grow. The breast milk changes as the baby grows, protecting him or her from illness, infection and food allergies. 3
It is convenient, always ready for the baby at the right temperature, and it is cost effective. Almost all women can breast feed. In the beginning, it takes time and patience for both the mother and the baby to learn how to breast feed. 4
The first milk a woman produces is called colostrum. Colostrum is rich in nutrients and antibodies. Breast milk is all the baby needs for the first 4 to 6 months of life. A newborn will feed anywhere from 8 to 14 times in a 24-hour period. 5
A baby will let you know how often and how much to nurse. Frequent nursing will help establish a good mild supply. AS the baby grows, so does the mother’s milk supply. The more a baby nurse, the more milk is produced. 6
Positions for Breast feeding The Cradle Hold 7
The Modified Cradle 8
The Football Hold 9
The Lying Down Position 10
How To Hold A Baby a-baby_ bc 11
Problems that occur during breast feeding: sore nipples cracked nipples engorgement: fullness of the breast mastitis: inflammation of the breast 12
Breast Feeding breastfeeding-success_ bc 13
Bottle Feeding 14
Bottle feeding is a good alternative to breast feeding. Advantages to bottle feeding include – Amount of milk ingested by the baby can be monitored. – Periods between feedings can be longer. – Feeding can be shared with other people. 15
Bottle fed babies are usually fed every 3 to 4 hours and feed as least 6 to 8 times in a 24-hour period. It is important to never prop a bottle an always complete a feeding by burping the baby. Commercial infant formula comes in three different forms: – Ready to serve – Concentrated liquid/powdered 16
Other milk include: – Follow-up formulas – Homemade formulas – Cow’s milk – Goat’s milk – Unpasteurized milk Babies can be weaned from the bottle at around 12 to 16 months. 17
Bottle Feeding Baby-With-a-Bottle.htm Baby-With-a-Bottle.htm 18
Feeding Handout 19