Manner of Articulation LIN 3201
4 Parameters for Describing Sounds Airstream Mechanism How/From where air is initiated, direction of airflow State of the Glottis Vocal fold state - wide open, vibrating – that affects airstream Manner of Articulation How air is shaped in airstream Place of Articulation Where air is shaped in airstream
Manner of Articulation What we do to the airstream to constrict, obstruct or shape it producing different types of sound qualities
The airstream as a 4 dimensional tube Vertical Dimension – how close articulating organs get to one another Transverse Dimension – is the sound obstructed centrally or laterally (which side?) Time – momentary obstruction or maintainable obstruction Longitudinal – place or site of obstruction
Stops (Plosives) Air is obstructed by stopping air at place of articulation Greatest degree of obstruction Maintainable & central obstruction Oral & Nasal Stops Oral Stops – Velum blocks nasal cavity; air lows through mouth only; [p], [d], [k] Nasal Stops – Velum is lowered; air flows through mouth and nose; [m], [n]
[m] [b] Gimson & Cruttenden, 1994
Fricatives Air is obstructed less than a stop Air flows through articulators so that friction is created in articulation Maintainable stricture type Examples [f], [v], [s] & [z]