Orange County Fire Rescue Department Assistant Chief Dan Kucik Block Party Ordinance Discussion February 13, 2007
2 Block Parties & Public Assemblies Current Practices for Block Parties Neighboring Jurisdictions’ Practices Proposed Requirements OCHAA Feedback Options Block Party Ordinance Discussion
3 Block Parties & Public Assemblies Current Practices for Block Parties Neighboring Jurisdictions’ Practices Proposed Requirements OCHAA Feedback Options Block Party Ordinance Discussion
4 Block Parties & Public Assemblies “Block parties” - gatherings of less than 100 people for neighborhood social event taking place in public or private residential street. “Public assemblies” - gatherings of 100 or more people for parades, races, walks, rallies, protests, or other large-scale events taking place in public park, public right-of- way, or public road.
5 Block Parties & Public Assemblies Current Practices for Block Parties Neighboring Jurisdictions’ Practices Proposed Requirements OCHAA Feedback Options Block Party Ordinance Discussion
6 Current Practices Citizens contact staff and request information on permitting and requirements for block parties. Currently, no requirements exist for block parties in unincorporated Orange County. Citizens hold block parties that obstruct roadways, without prior approval of Fire Rescue, OCSO or Traffic Engineering.
7 Block Party Ordinance Discussion Block Parties & Public Assemblies Current Practices for Block Parties Neighboring Jurisdictions’ Practices Proposed Requirements OCHAA Feedback Options
8 Neighboring Jurisdictions’ Practices Most neighboring jurisdictions require some type of permit or approval for block parties. Some jurisdictions assist citizens with traffic barricades or cones for roadway closures.
9 Block Parties & Public Assemblies Current Practices for Block Parties Neighboring Jurisdictions’ Practices Proposed Requirements OCHAA Feedback Options Block Party Ordinance Discussion
10 Proposed Requirements Permit application would be required at least 14 days before block party. Block party would take place only in single-family residential area. Permit application would have to be approved by majority of homeowners on street where block party proposed. Block party would not be open to general public.
11 Proposed Requirements Clear access for emergency vehicles would be maintained. Alcoholic beverages would not be permitted. Sound amplification equipment or devices would be permitted, subject to compliance with Noise Ordinance. Block party would begin no earlier than 10:00 a.m. and end no later than 10:00 p.m. Application fee of $25 would be required
12 Block Parties & Public Assemblies Current Practices for Block Parties Neighboring Jurisdictions’ Practices Proposed Requirements OCHAA Feedback Options Block Party Ordinance Discussion
13 Orange County Homeowners Association Alliance Feedback OCHAA is opposed to proposed block party ordinance. OCHAA would prefer to implement an educational process. OCHAA does not want to monitor permitting process through its homeowner associations.
14 Block Party Ordinance Discussion Block Parties & Public Assemblies Current Practices for Block Parties Neighboring Jurisdictions’ Practices Proposed Requirements OCHAA Feedback Options
15 Options Present draft block party ordinance to Board of County Commissioners for adoption at public hearing. Terminate drafting of block party ordinance, and develop educational process in lieu of adopting block party ordinance.
Orange County Fire Rescue Department Block Party Ordinance Discussion February 13, 2007