1 NFHS and MSHSL Spirit Rules (add logo)
2 Overview Rules Book Layout Rules Book Layout Rule Changes / Points of Emphasis / Index / Philosophy Rule 1 – Definitions, page 15 Rule 2 – General Risk Management, page 19 Situations rulings, page 28 Rule 3 – Dance/Drill/Pom Risk Management, page 39 Illustration of free throw lane extended, page 45 Pictures, page 46
3 Basics – The Three R’s R esponsibility R esponsibility Coach & Participants R eadiness R eadiness Progressions & Evaluation R isk Management R isk Management Reasonable Rules Safety First
4 Points of Emphasis Why Rules Matter Progressions L.O.C. Transitions Coaches’ Manual
Spirit Rules Changes and Major Editorial Changes
Inverted Position Change Definition: Inverted – A body position in which a participant’s shoulders (not head) are below her/his waist.
Bleeding/Open Wounds Change: Rule has been expanded to provide specific requirements for dealing with situations such as bleeding, open wounds or blood on a uniform, and also to be consistent with other NFHS sports rules books. (Also see “Communicable Disease and Skin Infection Procedures” section.)
Bracer-involved Dismounts New: In dismounts where a bracer is involved after the release of the flyer, all of the following conditions must be met: a. Flyer maintains hand-to-hand/arm contact with at least one bracer during loss of contact with the bases, b. Flyer does not become inverted, c. Flyer has at least two bases, d. Both flyer & bracer(s) have separate spotters, e. Loss of contact is continuous up and down movement, f. Flyer’s center of gravity remains directly over bases, g. Flyer’s weight is not supported by bracer(s), and… h. Bracers do not intentionally increase height of flyer.
9 Illegal Bracer Involved Dismount Add video clip.
Inverted Flyer A flyer must not be in an inverted position except… a.During forward suspended roll. a.During forward suspended roll. (same) b.When beginning a stunt that begins in an inverted position on the performing surface and goes directly to a non-inverted position shoulder height or below. This stunt must include a base or spotter who protects the head/neck/shoulder area of the flyer. Add: This base or spotter must maintain physical contact with the flyer from the inverted position until the flyer is no longer inverted.
11 Illegal Inverted Mount video clip
12 Legal Inverted Mount video clip
Forward Suspended Rolls Change: a. Flyer begins from the performing surface or from a stunt shoulder height or below. Change: a. Flyer begins from the performing surface or from a stunt shoulder height or below. Add: d. In suspended rolls from the performing surface, the flyer maintains hand-to- hand contact with two bases. Add: d. In suspended rolls from the performing surface, the flyer maintains hand-to- hand contact with two bases.
14 Legal Forward Suspended Roll to Floor
15 Legal Forward Suspended Roll to Cradle video clip
Loss of Contact Transitions Change: a. Flyer maintains hand to hand/arm contact with at least one bracer during the entire loss of contact with her/his base(s). Add: i. Bracers do not intentionally increase the height of the flyer.
17 Major Editorial Changes Book Corrections Editorial Changes Deleted: Coaches’ Responsibilities & Participants’ Responsibilities sections (previously located in the back of the book). They are now available at Deleted: Coaches’ Responsibilities & Participants’ Responsibilities sections (previously located in the back of the book). They are now available at New Definition: pg.18 Side T-lift –... base(s) fully extend a flyer overhead in a forward-facing, horizontal straight- body position. New Definition: pg.18 Side T-lift –... base(s) fully extend a flyer overhead in a forward-facing, horizontal straight- body position. Book Corrections Rules Changes pg.2 Typo: Last sentence of at top of page is actually the opening statement for Rules Changes pg.2 Typo: Last sentence of at top of page is actually the opening statement for Sit pg.28 Clarification: Ruling for (b) does NOT make it legal to step on poms ! Sit pg.28 Clarification: Ruling for (b) does NOT make it legal to step on poms !
18 Hey Coach… Is this legal ? Tosses Loss of Contact Transitions Braced Dismounts ? ? Inverted Mounts ?
19 Is it legal? The Challenge... How can coaches keep up with the whirlwind of new, creative stunts and ensure that they’re legal before athletes are allowed to learn or perform them? How can coaches keep up with the whirlwind of new, creative stunts and ensure that they’re legal before athletes are allowed to learn or perform them? …By interpreting stunt “families”.
20 Interpreting Inverted Mounts (2-8-2b) Checklist Is the flyer clearly in a weight-bearing inverted position on the floor before the base(s) support her/his weight? Is the flyer clearly in a weight-bearing inverted position on the floor before the base(s) support her/his weight? Is there a base or spotter who is in a position to protect the flyer’s head/neck? Is there a base or spotter who is in a position to protect the flyer’s head/neck? Does that base/spotter maintain physical contact with the flyer until flyer is no longer inverted? Does that base/spotter maintain physical contact with the flyer until flyer is no longer inverted? Is the flyer moved directly into a non-inverted position shoulder height or below? Is the flyer moved directly into a non-inverted position shoulder height or below?
21 Common Violations…
22 Common Violations…
23 Common Violations…
24 Let’s Talk About SPORTSMANSHIP MSHSL Logo here
25 MSHSL Behavior Expectations Respect the flag and the national anthem. Respect the flag and the national anthem. Spectators must wear clothing that covers the entire torso. Clothing that is vulgar/obscene is unacceptable. Spectators must wear clothing that covers the entire torso. Clothing that is vulgar/obscene is unacceptable. The use of appropriate language is expected at all times. The use of appropriate language is expected at all times.
26 More Expectations Laser lights are not allowed. Laser lights are not allowed. Hand-held signs, which do not obstruct the view of others, will be permitted provided they are in good taste. Signs, message boards, “white” boards, or similar items not in good taste will be removed. Hand-held signs, which do not obstruct the view of others, will be permitted provided they are in good taste. Signs, message boards, “white” boards, or similar items not in good taste will be removed. Cheerleaders megaphones are to be used only to lead the crowd. Cheerleaders megaphones are to be used only to lead the crowd.
27 And a Couple More…… Artificial noisemakers (cowbells, sirens, whistles, thunder sticks, etc.) are prohibited at all Section and State Tournament events both indoors and outdoors. Artificial noisemakers (cowbells, sirens, whistles, thunder sticks, etc.) are prohibited at all Section and State Tournament events both indoors and outdoors. Under no condition should any member of the student body go on to the playing surface or interfere with the game in any way. Under no condition should any member of the student body go on to the playing surface or interfere with the game in any way.
28 Professionalism Attend camps and conferences Network with other coaches Join the state coaches association (MCCA) Join the NFHS Spirit Coaches Assn Take part in the NFHS Spirit Coaches Education Program
29 NFHS Spirit Coaches Education Program Bronze Level ACCAA Safety Certification Spirit Program Management One of the following: Partner Stunt Progression I Motions, Jumps and Tumbling
30 NFHS Spirit Coaches Education Program (Cont.) Bronze Level Continued One of the following: NFHS Coaching Principles for Cheer NFHS Coaching Principles for Cheer First Aid and CPR Certification First Aid and CPR Certification NFHS Spirit Rules Course NFHS Spirit Rules Course NFHS/American Red Cross/USOC Sports Safety NFHS/American Red Cross/USOC Sports Safety Partner Stunt Progressions II Partner Stunt Progressions II
31 Some Useful Websites: MSHSLwww.mshsl.org Nat’l Federation of HSwww.nfhs.org AACCAwww.aacca.org MCCA
32 Have A Great Year !! MSHSL Interpreters and Contact Info