1 G.I.A.N.T. Guidance: Innovative Actions and New Tools. A Leonardo da Vinci Project Maria Grazia D’Angelo 1, Rita Chiesa 2 & Dina Guglielmi 2 1 Aster, Scienza Tecnologia Impresa - S.Cons.p.a., Bologna, Italy 2 Ce.Trans, Centro per le Transizioni al Lavoro e nel Lavoro SrL., Bologna, Italy Coherence, Co-operation and Quality in Guidance and Counselling IAEVG International Conference 2009 June 3-5, 2009
2 The GIANT Project The general aim is to support improvements in quality and innovation in guidance system. The GIANT Project intends to implement a model of guidance services’ integration that was defined by GIRC (Guidance Innovation Relay Centres) a previous Leonardo da Vinci project. The application of GIRC model foresees three principal lines of work: 1. adaptation of the model to the needs and features of the geographical/institutional contexts concerned; 2. the sharing of support tools to facilitate the model’s transfer within the partnership 3. application of the model in the transfer settings
3 GIRC model www. gircproject.org Its purpose is to foster innovation and quality in career guidance through integration and linkage among systems with different and complementary competences: the school system, the employment system, and the vocational training system To favour this integration, the model identifies four strategic function: technical support, understood as support for the definition of strategies of guidance governance; support for the training of guidance practitioners, understood as support for the skills enhancement of guidance practitioners, both upon entry to the profession and through updating schemes; quality improvement, understood as support for enhancing the quality of services by acting on standards, tools, assessment, and the integration of services. research and development, understood as support for innovation and for the devising of strategies to develop the guidance system not determined solely by emergency but anchored in research results.
4 Each strategic function includes: the overall goal to be achieved by the specific function; the set of objectives combining to determine the overall goal of that function; a series of activities through which to pursue fulfilment of the objectives defined; outputs from the process, i.e. products representing tangible results of individual actions; the actors involved in the various activities as either the promoters or the recipients of the specific activities.
5 GIANT Project involves: four partners which participated in development of the GIRC model: two Italian partners, Aster and Ce.Trans; the University of Santiago de Compostela (ES); and the Institutul de Stiinte ale Educatiei – Institute of Education Science (RO) four public institutions, which are centres for the transfer/application of the GIRC model. They are: the regional government of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the regional government of Marche, the provincial administration of Milan; the provincial administration of Bologna.
6 GIANT Project lines of action (WP): 1. Adaptation of the GIRC model for transfer to the needs and features of the institutional contexts concerned; 2. Sharing of support tools to facilitate the model’s transfer within the partnership: 3. Application of the model in the transfer settings; 4. Project Evaluation; 5. Coordination; 6. Dissemination
7 State of art WP1 Every institutional partner has defined a Plan of transfer (that will be realized in WP3) that specifies: which GIRC functions it intends to transfer which activities it intends to realize which aspects of the context could facilitate or obstruct the plan of transfer which different sectors furnishing career guidance it intend to involve (at least two among education, vocational training, work) Every institutional partner has promoted the Plan in its area WP1 Adaptation WP2 Sharing WP3 Application WP4 Evaluation WP5 Coordination WP6 Dissemination
8 Plan of transfer (WP 1)
9 State of art WP2 Every institutional partner agreed to focus on the career guidance services directed to users aged under 25 years The career guidance’s aims considered are: –“Developing a vocational choice” (Friuli Venezia Giulia Region and Milan Province) –“Supporting the transition school-to-work” (Marche Region) –“Supporting a transition among different educational levels” (Bologna Province) The career guindance practitionars that work in each involved area are contributing to collect tools and good practice WP1 Adaptation WP2 Sharing Path/tools System of evaluation WP3 Application WP4 Evaluation WP5 Coordination WP6 Dissemination
10 State of art WP2 WP1 Adaptation WP2 Sharing Path/tools System of evaluation WP3 Application WP4 Evaluation WP5 Coordination WP6 Dissemination EVALUATION PLAN
11 State of art WP3 WP1 Adaptation WP2 Sharing WP3 Application WP4 Evaluation WP5 Coordination WP6 Dissemination WP2 Paths/Tools System of evaluation WP3 Quality improvement Improving tools and practices Monitoring and evaluating effectiveness and efficiency of career guidance services Research and Development Supporting career guidance intervention’s planning (at local, national and international levels)
12 State of art WP3 On the basis of the results of the Italian experimentation, the foreign partners will realize a feasibility study about the GIRC model application in their national contexts WP1 Adaptation WP2 Sharing WP3 Application WP4 Evaluation WP5 Coordination WP6 Dissemination
13 State of art WP4 Wp Leader: University of Santiago de Compostela 4 reports based on a questionnaire: A report at the end of WP1 (5° month). A report at the end of the 9° month (during WP2 and WP3 activities) A report at the end of the 15° month (during WP3 activities) A report at the end of the project (22° month) WP1 Adaptation WP2 Sharing WP3 Application WP4 Evaluation WP5 Coordination WP6 Dissemination
14 State of art WP5 Two main activities of coordination Monitoring the progress of the project’s activities Administrative control WP1 Adaptation WP2 Sharing WP3 Application WP4 Evaluation WP5 Coordination WP6 Dissemination
15 State of art WP6 Brochures Web-site IAEVG International Conference 2009 Articles WP1 Adaptation WP2 Sharing WP3 Application WP4 Evaluation WP5 Coordination WP6 Dissemination
17 Thank you for your attention This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use, which may be made of the information contained therein.