Mr. Brooks Foundations of Technology
Students will: ◦ Develop an understanding of the relationships among technologies and connections with other fields of study. ◦ Develop an understanding of the nature of science. ◦ Develop an understanding of the nature of mathematics. ◦ Develop and understanding of the nature of technology.
Purpose of Lesson: ◦ To enable students to understand that interrelationships exist among technologies and between technology of other fields of study.
Science is the study of the natural world through observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, and theoretical explanations.
Science is for answering questions and giving us understanding.
Mathematics is the science of patterns and order and the study of measurement, properties, and the relationships of quantities; using numbers and symbols.
Mathematics is a number tool. Through it we are able to measure, analyze, describe, make predictions, and communicate.
Technology is human innovation in action that involves the generation of knowledge and processes to develop systems that solve problems and extend human capabilities.
Technology helps us meet our needs and desires by creating hardware, software, and systems.
Mathematics, science, and technology as enterprises share many values and features: ◦ Belief in order ◦ Ideals of honesty and openness ◦ The importance of criticism by colleagues ◦ The essential role of the imagination
Mathematics is a tool resource for both science and technology. Science provides a resource of information for technology. Technology provides tools and materials for science.
People as individuals and collectively as society determine the technologies that will be developed and employed. Decisions, based on values, are made that result in the promotion of some technologies and the obstruction of others. People in proper control of technology will not promote detrimental technologies and will not obstruct beneficial technologies out of ignorance.
Technology impacts the routines of daily living, the ways we interact with people, the way we provide for our livelihood, and the course of history. Technology impacts the way we earn a living. All human affairs are impacted by technology.
Technological innovation often results when ideas, knowledge, or skills are shared within a technology, among technologies, or across other fields. Technological ideas are sometimes protected through the use of patenting. Technological progress promotes the advancement of science and mathematics.
There are different traditions in science about what is investigated and how, but they all have in common certain basic beliefs about the value of evidence, logic, and good arguments.
Developments in science or technology often stimulate innovations in mathematics by presenting new kinds of problems to be solved. Developments in mathematics often stimulate innovations in science and technology. Technology usually affects society more directly than science because it solves practical problems and serves human needs (and may create new problems and needs).