Vocabulary 10 Using Context Clues
Beguile Cheat, distract, trick, con; to deceive by trickery
Demure Modest, bashful, retiring; reserved in manner
Equanimity Poise, balance; being calm and even-tempered
Fortitude Mental toughness, guts, grit, bravery, courage, valor; strength of mind
Hidebound Prejudiced, set in one’s ways, close-minded; stubbornly inflexible
Laud Approve, commend, acclaim, worship; glorify
Obscurity Darkness, uncertainty, indistinctness, dimness, fuzziness; quality of being imperfectly known
Resilient Elastic, recuperative; able to recover quickly
Sagacious Prudent, farsighted, shrewd, clever, smart; having good judgment; wise
Tumult Upset, riot, agitation, chaos, disorder; disturbance
Vocabulary 11 Using Multiple-Meaning Words
Abhor To hate intensely; despise; loathe
Candor Frankness, honesty; sincerity
Dauntless Fearless, courageous; bold
Insinuation Indirect suggestion, often negative; hint
Pall Something that covers, especially with gloom or darkness; shroud
Patronize To act with condescension; to give suuport
Suppress To put an end to; stop; cease
Tentative Experimental, hesitant; unsure
Tribulation Suffering or trial; hardship
Volatile Sharply changeable; unsteady
Vocabulary 12 Prefixes Meaning “For” and “Against”
Antibiotic Drug like penicillin that destroys germs; drug with capacity to destroy bacteria
Antipathy Strong feeling of aversion or dislike; basic or habitual repugnance
Antithesis Opposite of a stated idea; opposition; contrast; the direct opposite
Contraband Smuggled goods, goods not allowed to be imported; anything prohibited by law from being imported or exported; illegal goods
Contradictory Expressing the opposite; asserts the contrary or opposite of; denying directly or categorically
Counterweight Force opposed equally to another; weight that equals or balances another; counterpoise
Obstruct Hinder, block, get in the way of; to block or close up with an obstacle; to interrupt the passage, progress, or course
Obtrude Intrude, force oneself or one’s opinion on others; to thrust something forward or upon a person without invitation; to thrust forth; push out
Oppugn Oppose, call into question; to assail by criticism, argument, or action; dispute
Proponent One who argues in support of something; person who puts forward a proposition or proposal; one who supports a cause or doctrine