Chapter 17
10% Plan O Lincoln’s plan-10% of voters take oath, apply for admission, generous pardons O peace O bring states back into the Union O build up a Republican party in the South by attracting former Whigs. O Radical Republicans -Congress should control re- admission =Wade-Davis Bill O Lincoln's plan too lenient. O Lincoln vetoed a Radical plan in 1864, O by war's end moving in the direction of the Radicals.
Johnson’s Plan O Against wealthy planter class- Racist O Officials had to apply for presidential pardon O More lenient O South defied his plan O Clash with congress-eventually Republicans take 2/3 majority in both houses O Rights of African Americans O Freedman's Bureau O 14 th Amendment
Congressional Reconstruction 1867 O Unreconstructed states under military control O Af. Am. Allowed to vote- not conf. officers O Suffrage and ratify 14 th Amendment O Tenure of Office Act O Impeachment-for violating by trying to fire Radical in cabinet O Conspiring to obstruct reconstruction- acquitted- impeachment for political weapon? O Resistance by White Southerners
Reconstruction in south O Black office holding O White Republicans Divided O Scalawags- white southern Republicans O Carpet baggers- white Republicans from North O New State Govts. O Economic issues and Corruption O Bribes, kickbacks from RRs, franchises and contracts O Southern Debt increases O Boss Tweed Ring Scandal
Aspirations and experiences of black southerners O Diff. times for diff. groups O Freedom- to move, change employment, names, family, church, education O Freedman’s Bureau- supervise freedom from slavery O Tools of planter class- congress shutdown O Most effective in protecting civil rights O Planters -seeking physical and psychological separation from former slaves. O old paternalist ideal to segregation. O based on segregation and sharecropping.
Abandonment of Reconstruction O RACISM O Used violence, terror and political assassinations O Control votes O Republicans divided over politics and options O Weak Northern opinion O Grant elected- pass 15 th Amendment O Lacked moral and political commitment to Reconstruction O corruption O Amnesty Act- restore confederate votes O Liberal Republicans-backed by Dems. Greely O Civil Rights Act of 1875-prohibited racial discrimination in public accommodations but… O Panic of Depression turn towards Dems.
O KKK O Force Act of Felony to interfere with right to vote- army or susp. W.of H.C. O Mississippi Plan-Dems violence to carry state election- and win O Election of 1876 O Compromise of 1877 O Withdraw troops in south- Rep. govts collapse O South Redeemed= “Redeemers” O Recognize Dem. State govts. O Recognize Hayes as President O Respect African American rights