Breast Cancer ECM Visualization using Multiphoton Imaging Jeremy Bredfeldt LOCI, Morgridge Institute for Research
H&E and SHG Protocol – Thaw & fix sample – Section sample to 200 microns on a vibratome – Image with SHG – Paraffin embed tissue wafer – Section and stain for H&E – Slide scan Green = SHG signal (Collagen Type I)
Normal Associated Tissue 11.6 mm H&E SHG
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma H&E SHG
Fibroadenoma H&ESHG
7.5 mm Mucinous Carcinoma H&E SHG
Intrinsic Fluorescence Green = SHG Red = Autofluorescence from FAD or Collagen type III
Extrinsic Fluorescence Green = SHG (Collagen type I) Red = E-Cadherin stained cells & Autofluorescence from Collagen type III
Terminal Ductal Lobular Unit (Red) Surrounded by Collagen (Green)
Duct in Cross Section, Surrounded by IDC cells IDC Duct
IDC Cells Near a Vessel with ECM IDC Cells Vessel