EORC Overview Top Management and Support Policy Statements Equal Opportunity Representative Formal Complaints Equal Opportunity Reports Command Assessment Commands Training Program Commanding General Inspection
EORC Top Management/ Leadership Set the example “Talk” must match the “Walk” – All eyes are on you Take an active role in training Support Special Emphasis Observances / EO related functions
EORC Develop a Policy Statement A written policy statement must be enforced Verbal policy statements become no statement at all Post the policy statement in visible areas
EORC Policy statement should include The Commander’s position The definition of the issues Examples of behavior that can constitute a problem - Impact of the problem - How personnel should handle the problem - Consequences of inappropriate behavior - Name and phone number of a point of contact (i.e. EO Representative, EO Advisor)
EORC Equal Opportunity Representative Officer/SNCO at Battalion Level - Perceived as fair individual - Competency - Availability - Designate in writing Required training - 40 hr EO Representative Course - Quarterly sustainment training
EORC Formal Complaints Request Mast (most preferred) ART 138 – Wrongs against CO ART 1150 – Wrongs against a superior Communication with IG Individual Communications with Congress DOD Hotline
EORC Formal Complaints – DASH Report Discrimination and Sexual harassment report (DASH) is required on all formal complaints Tracks all parties involved until final action Is not a report card on the unit Identifies trends, positive and negative EORs have DASH on disk (Appendix D of the order)
EORC Formal Complaints - Timelines 72 hours or 3 working days: - Appoint a Investigating Officer in writing - Notify the Chain of Command with who has GCMCA - Notify complainant Every 14 days, update complainant 14 days from commencement of investigation to complete investigation, w/SJA and EOA review Day 20, initial DASH submitted to HQMC via EOA Final DASH report submitted upon final disposition of complaint (substantiated, unsubstantiated)
EORC Formal Complaints - Timelines Exception to order: - Courts-Martial - Investigation: NCIS or CID Commanding General extension of 30 days maximum Additional extension may be granted by HQMC
EORC Formal Complaints - Closure Closure of complaint: - Copy of appoint letter for IO - Initial DASH - Copy of investigation - SJA review - EOA review (Appendix I of the order) - Final DASH
EORC TIPS WHEN HANDLING A COMPLAINT When addressing EO issues it is important to act quickly as possible, be fair and keep everyone involved informed CO’s should be aware that there may be Marines, Sailors or civilians who have a problem with dealing with the chain of command Use all resources available to you (i.e. EOR, EOA, EEO manager/counselor, Chaplain)
EORC Equal Opportunity Reports Annual Equal Opportunity Data Summary Report due to HQMC by November 15. Command Military Personnel Race/Ethnic Statistics Report-local tool for Commander DASH Report-required on all formal complaints All reports maintained for 2 years
EORC Command Assessments Per MCO P5354.1D, “Commanders shall assess their command EO climate within 90 days upon assumption of command” Helps determine the unit EO climate Assessed using DEOCS-DEOMI Equal Opportunity Climate Survey (electronic or paper version) Only exception is if command has already conducted survey within 90 days of commander assuming command
EORC Command EO Training Program Required annually: –Equal Opportunity Training –Minimum of 1 hour –Recommended additional training: Team Marine Prevention of Sexual Harassment IRS
EORC Commanding General Inspection Contact EOA for checklist EOR should keep track of all EO training EOR should know the checklist in advance Courtesy inspections encouraged
EORC Summary Top management and support Policy Statements Equal Opportunity Representative Formal Complaints Equal Opportunity Reports Command Assessment Command’s Training Program Commanding General Inspection
EORC Questions ????????????????????????