eThority Training Excerpts and Dashboards
eXcerpts: An eXcerpt is what is used to create a Dash. It is a universal application that can hold various reports all in one place for simplified viewing. An eXcerpt can be set up as an Alert Metric, Graph, eValuate, Trend, Histogram, Table, or Super Pivot. Once an Excerpt is created, it cannot be edited. If a change is made to a DataBook with an associated eXcerpt, the change will not flow to the eXcerpt. To see the change it will be necessary to create a new eXcerpt.
How To Create A Table eXcerpt: First, go to your DataBooks and pick the report you want to turn into a dash. After the DataBook is opened, Click File Select Create Table eXcerpt Click “Sharing” and verify setting Click “Okay” If successful, a pop up will appear, “eXcerpt Created Successfully” Click “Okay” Exit the window.
Dashboards: Dashboards: A Dash is an interactive, highly customizable dashboard for at-a-glance updates on key metrics such as: graphs, trends, data, eValuate, tables, or Super pivot. eXcerpts make up the Elements of a Dash.
How To Create A Dashboard: Click on the “Running Man” Or Go to the Configure and drop down to Data Architecture Select Create A Dash After the screen loads, click on the “Add Element” button in the left hand column
How To Create A Dashboard: Find the Element/eXcerpt that you would like to add Elements can be searched using ‘Quick Filter’ or the Search feature. Select an Element and click the Preview button to verify your selection before adding it to the Dash.
How To Create A Dashboard: Once you have validated and/or know the Element you want to add, double click on the Element. This will open up the Element/eXcerpt within the Dash in EDIT MODE. While in EDIT MODE, additional Elements can be added, Elements can be deleted, and Dashboard Properties can be changed. We suggest no more than 6 Elements per Dash Remember to name the new Dash – either in “Dashboard Properties” or when you click “Save”.
How To Create A Dashboard: After you click “Save” and Name the dash, the you save just like you would a Databook. Under Sharing select User/Group, and you can add individuals with whom you want to share this dashboard or select Department, then close. Click “Okay” (it should tell you “Dash has been saved”) then close window Go to Home page, hit Refresh and it will move your new Dash to Dashboards on the eThority Enterprise page.
How To Edit A Dashboard: