Bennett Hand-Tool Dexterity Test & DASH Scott Durocher Sarah Azhadi Mike Smit Alyssa Hollowell Janine Williamson Brian Lannin
Bennett Hand-Tool Dexterity Purpose: To measure manual dexterity independent of intellectual factors, specifically using ordinary hand tools
Bennett Hand-Tool Dexterity The test is suitable for those in the following positions/jobs: Factory workers Garage jobs Home servicing (plumbing, electrical, etc.) Equipment servicing
Bennett Hand-Tool Dexterity It is a timed test performed individually Time is dependent upon the individual ~ 10 minutes Results are compared against normative data
Bennett Hand-Tool Dexterity The test measures: Proficiency using ordinary hand tools Medium dexterity Sustained neck flexion Sustained horizontal reaching Producing torque motions with the hand tools Bilateral finger movements Sustained standing with some forward bending
Bennett Hand-Tool Dexterity Required Materials: Stopwatch Frame Screwdriver Small wrench Large wrench Adjustable wrench 12 bolts, 24 washers, 12 nuts 4 large, 4 medium, 4 small bolts-nut sets
Bennett Hand-Tool Dexterity Set Up: The test begins with all nuts and bolts fastened to the frame, tight enough that they cannot be loosened by hand The head of the bolt must be on the outside of the frame, with the nut inside of the frame The frame is clamped to a work station at the height of 34” from the floor
Bennett Hand-Tool Dexterity Objective: The participant must select the appropriate tools to use for each set of bolts and nuts Loosen all nuts first, then spin off The participant begins by disassembling the top row, the largest bolts, and places them inside the frame
Bennett Hand-Tool Dexterity Objective: Next, he/she does the same for the middle row When removing the bottom row the participant is to place the bolt directly into the opposite side of the frame When assembling the bolts on the right side of the frame the bolt head is to be on the inside of the frame with the nut outside of the frame
Bennett Hand-Tool Dexterity Objective: The participant then works through the middle row, and finishes with the top row The test is complete when all bolts have been assembled correctly to the point where they cannot be loosened by hand Timing stops once the last bolt is tightened
Bennett Hand-Tool Dexterity The participant stands throughout the testing The complete test kit costs: ~$247.00 - $390.00 (US)
Minnesota Hand-Tool Dexterity The tests is similar to the Bennett, with few differences: The participant sits during testing The frame is not clamped
DASH Disability of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand
DASH Prior to administering the Intent to Use Form must be completed and attribution to the developers of the instrument (listed below) must be given American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons Institute for Work and Health American Association for Hand Surgery American Society of Surgery of the Hand American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine American Shoulder & Elbow Surgeons Arthroscopy Association of North America American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons
DASH A self administered questionnaire developed to measure upper extremity disability and symptoms
DASH Consists mainly of a 30 item disability/symptom scale The items refer to: The degree of difficulty performing specific physical activities in relation to arm, shoulder and hand problems. (21) The severity of each of the symptoms of pain, activity related to pain, tingling, weakness and stiffness (5) The impact on social activities, work, sleep and self-image (4)
DASH Examples of questions asked refer to: Opening a jar Writing Sexual activities Gardening/yard work The 30 items are close ended questions, with 5 possible responses
DASH The other two optional sections are four questions each: Sports/Performing Arts Module Relates to the impact on the arm, shoulder or hand while playing an instrument/sport Work Module Relates to the impact on the arm, shoulder or hand and the ability to do work