VI How to write clearly 鄭先祐 (Ayo) 國立臺南大學 環境生態研究所


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Presentation transcript:

VI How to write clearly 鄭先祐 (Ayo) 國立臺南大學 環境生態研究所

Introduction 1.Generalities 2.The three primary rules 3.Structure 4.Number 5.Abbreviations and animal names 6.Using signs, symbols, and marks 7.Difficult inflections 8.Problematic pairs 9.Using a word processor 10.A final suggestion

1. Generalities  Write simply and plainly, especially in journal articles and other publications that will be read by people whose first language is not English.  Keep sentences relatively short and avoid esoteric ( 難理解的 ) words, even if they are defined in standard dictionaries.

 Three tried and true ways to test the intelligibility of your words exist 1.Read your text aloud to yourself 2.Sleep on it 3.Have another person read it Remember that the purpose of writing is to be read. Rule: keep it simple, stupid (KISS)

2. The three primary rules  Rule: Revise, revise, and revise  Get an early start. Initial drafting of proposals and manuscripts always takes longer then inexperienced writers imagine it will, and subsequent revisions are often extremely time-consuming.

3. Structure  Rule: never have three successive manuscript pages without a subdivision.  The first paragraph of the block needs to orient the reader to the entire block.  A common and straightforward way to structure the block is by the number of points it covers.  A paragraph is a multi-sentence unit that begins with a topic sentence.

 Rule: 每段至少有三個句子。  Do write sentences.  Numerals and abbreviations cannot initiate a sentence.  句子內的數字,使用阿拉伯數字。

4. Number  Units: 使用公制。  精確:數值,注意有效數字。

5. Abbreviation and animal names  e.g. = exempli gratia = for the sake of example)  i.e. = id est = that is  cf. = confer = compare  Viz. = videlicet = it is permitted to see The use of viz. is very close to that of i.e.. We had the essentials for field work, viz. binoculars, notebook, and pencil. i.e.= that is ; viz.=namely

Abbreviating scientific names  You may abbreviate a name when the one following it in the same bionomical or trinomial is identical. B. b. bison; N. nycticorax; Chelydra s. serpentina  Rule: Abbreviate generic names only when the full name is in the same paragraph.

6. Using signs, symbols, and marks  The hyphen (-) and the dash (—)  The hyphen (-) is used to make compound words. Unit-abbreviation, check-list  The en dash is used to express a numerical range. As typewriters did not have en-dash keys, the hyphen was used in place of the en dash. 59—68 mm = from 59mm to 68mm

7. Difficult inflections ( 困難的變化規則 )  Matching number of subject and verb ( 主詞是單數或複數,對應不同的動詞 )  Adjectival degrees Good-getter-best is the example.  Those awful subjunctives ( 假設語句 ) If the monkey were female, it would not respond. ( 事實的差異 ) If the monkey was female, it would not respond. ( 情況的不同 )

8. Problematic pairs  Affect/effect:  Affect is a verb and effect a noun as most frequently employed.  But affect is also a noun and effect is also a verb. (with different meanings) Temperature may affect behavior, but the effect is often small. She affected(=simulate or copy) a British accent. Psychologists use affect as a noun meaning a strong feeling or emotion. A new theory may effect (=bring about) a dramatic change in science.

Among/between  Among refers to more than two, and between to just a pair.  However, both words can be used to refer to more than two. 但涵義不同。 The fruit dropped between the three monkeys. The fruit dropped among the three monkeys.

9. Using a word processor  Headers, footers, and line numbers  Spell checkers  Real dictionaries  Layout on a word processor Spacing, margins, tabs, and justification Font sixes and types

10. A final suggestion  Many of us who make a serious effort to write well still occasionally commit grammatical and other errors or confuse words.  You can train yourself to overcome such mistakes by keeping a log of them, adding to it each time you receive feedback from colleagues, advisors, journal editors, and the like.
