Partnerships, Partnerships, Partnerships… How can they work for you? Presented by: Carolyn Evancio and Melanie Vance Strengthening Healthy School Communities
2 What is an Effective Partnership? It is a collaborative relationship between two or more parties based on trust, equality and mutual understanding for the achievement of a specified goal. - World Health Organization
3 Why are Effective Partnerships Important? 1) Teaching and Learning 2) Partnerships and Services 3) Physical and Social Environment 4) Healthy Policy Development Comprehensive School Health identifies four pillars:
4 Why are Effective Partnerships Important? “Sustainable progress in CSH depends on a common vision, shared responsibilities and harmonized actions among health, education and the community. The goal is to coordinate these efforts so that partners can pool resources and develop action plans together with, and in support of, schools.” - DASH BC
5 Building Effective Partnerships Partnerships are formed for diverse reasons, and each has a “life” of its own. Every partner within a partnership should know precisely why they are there, what they bring to the alliance, what to expect from others, and of course what is to be achieved together – or in other words, what is expected of them.
6 Welcome to Fort McMurray!
7 To FOSTER this trusting, sustainable and effective partnership, we had to have MUTUAL RESPECT for each other’s beliefs, values, and concerns to work together towards a common purpose with genuine interest and support. I believe that collaboration between all stakeholders is vital for any kind of partnership to be effective." Munira Manji, Parent
8 Alberta Health Services has been instrumental in assisting our system develop a Comprehensive School Health plan. As a result of the partnership, youth and parents are better educated on health. George McGuigan, Deputy Superintendent, Fort McMurray Catholic School District
9 It is wonderful to have an accessible local resource to support the curriculum and various programs being offered in our schools and community. We know the changes we make now related to health/wellness will lead to a ‘healthier’ community tomorrow! Lorraine Demers, Partnership Facilitator, Fort McMurray Public School District
10 With similar goals and target audiences we have been able to partner to offer many events that one person would not be able to do on their own! When requested to participate in community events such as wellness presentations or events we often share the responsibility as together we can accomplish much more! Christina Dauphinee, Be Fit for Life Coordinator - Fort McMurray
11 By sharing resources, skills, creativity and ideas, our organizations have come together to provide exceptional service to improve the quality of life for all of our citizens. Communities wishing to form such partnerships may see an increase in community engagement, participation, and an overall sense of community. Julie Coldwell, Recreation Coordinator, Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo
12 School Health Resources List
13 Healthy School Communities Advisory Committee To collaborate and share information with all concerned stakeholders on improving and sustaining a healthy school community. Representation from health, education and community. Meet 3 times a year Celebrate Successes
14 Hooray for Health
*18 Assets in Action
16 Hot Lunch Program
17 Girl Power
18 School Community Events and Conferences
19 Challenges Health Language vs. Education Language Staff Changes Engaging Diverse Populations Community Support
20 Engaging Stakeholders Research other organizations goals & priorities. Attend network meetings and events. Build a relationship with other organizations by supporting their programs and initiatives. Follow through with commitments. Continue to maintain a relationship with stakeholders.
21 Let’s Brainstorm! – Guiding Questions 1.If you have connected with this sector, but do not have an effective partnership, what have been your challenges? 2.If you have not connected with this sector before, why not? 3.What do you hope to achieve through the partnership? 4.As a group brainstorm ways to build an effective partnership with this sector.
22 Partnership Checklist Identify members in your community that you want to engage Ensure partnerships reflect diverse populations Be clear on your goals and what you want to achieve Ensure the partnership has a shared vision Ensure all partners understand their role When holding meetings be sure that they are not dominated by one specific groups or organization Celebrate Successes!!!
23 Take Home Challenge!
24 Thank You Carolyn Evancio Health Promotion Facilitator School Health Liaison P: E: Melanie Vance BSc. K Health Promotion Coordinator Healthy Weights Initiative P: E:
25 References WHO. (2012). APPS Definition of Partnership. Retrieved January 20, From DASH BC. (December 2011). Building Healthy Partnerships. Retrieved December 19, From Alberta Recreation & Parks Association. (2008). A Toolkit for Community Leaders. Retrieved January 3, From