Domestic Abuse A Brief Overview of Prevalence, Service Priorities and Provision in Medway DCI Andy Pritchard, Kent Police Public Protection Unit For the Childrens Trust 3 rd July 2012
Objectives Define the Problem Describe the high-end (MARAC) Services Available in Medway KMDASG CSP MSCB Recent developments Future Direction
Medway Data
Top Ten Wards in Kent Rank DistrictWard TotalChange 1ThanetCliftonville West % 2MedwayGillingham North % 3MedwayChatham Central % 4MedwayGillingham South % 5Medway Luton and Wayfield % 6ThanetMargate Central % 7MaidstoneHigh Street % 8MedwayStrood South % 9ThanetEastcliff % 10ThanetDane Valley %
DA Hotspots
Temporal DA Profile
Police Actions Attend as immediate or High Graded Call Positive Arrest policy (sterile space) Positive prosecution Policy Completion of DASHH Safety Plan placed around victim Signposted to services Assessment against CA- DA Referral Matrix Referral of Children & Families onwards
The DA - CA Risk Matrix NotificationReferral (s.17/s.47) 1. Where it is known that the child is subject to a C.P plan1. Where the D.A adult victim is identified as high risk (DASH) and a child is resident/normally resident 2. Where police believe the child is already open to CSS2. Child assaulted during the D.A incident 3. Where it is known that although the child is not resident, they are subject to care proceedings 3. WTTSC 10 where a child is under 1yr or unborn regardless of whether present or not, even if a single incident. 4. Where it is the first D.A report but the victim details historic abuse with children resident/normally resident 4. WTTSC 10 – 1 serious or several lesser, therefore 3 in a rolling year 5. Where there are issues around child contact5. Where the risk is standard or medium (DASH) but the wider factors surrounding the circumstances require CSS to be informed e.g. substance misuse / mental health 6. Where the D.A adult victim is medium risk (DASH) and the child is present within the home during the incident 6. A parent is fleeing domestic abuse leaving a child with the allegedly violent perpetrator
Medway MARAC MedwayKentSENational Cases 233 per Women pop Children identified 360 Partner Referral % Repeat Victims %
KMDASG Reduce DA and Change Attitudes Provide Support to Victims of Domestic Abuse Protect Victims of Domestic Abuse Enhance Multi Agency Working Underpinned by an executive Group delivering against Strategy
KMDASG KMDASG Business Plan safety-unit/Domestic%20Abuse%20Strategy%202010%20-%2013.pdf safety-unit/Domestic%20Abuse%20Strategy%202010%20-%2013.pdf Commissioning around IDVA services Works closely with the Medway Domestic Abuse Forum.
CSP – DA Sub group One of the 7 priorities for the CSP Adopted priorities of the KMDASG Outcomes based on Cessation of DA in various contexts and with injection of services Bi-monthly new subgroup.
MSCB Domestic Abuse as a priority for the 2011 business plan. Coninues to be a priority for 2012/13 Medway Community Healthcare embedded Specialist DA nurse Probation auditing value of IDAP programme and spousal risk assessments Training programmes on DA awareness and children
MSCB - key activity Ofsted CQC recommendation for referrals to be passed to Health and Childrens Social Care Domestic abuse alerts pilot
Other Services Refuge – 14 Medway Places IDVAs - CAB, LA Housing and KDASH SDVC – 233 cases in 6 months One Stop Shop – Supported by Police, Housing, legal service provider, IDVA, MDAF…. Community Domestic Abuse Perpetrators Programme. Victim Support Rising Sun East Kent Rape Line National Domestic Violence Helpline.
Direction Mainstreaming DA as a subject –CSP –Parts of Education? –Parts of Health? Commissioning of sustainable support services DHRs