A Child stepped out of the house a little hesitantly. The fog wrapped around him like a long-lost friend. And then, uncertainly at first, then with increasing speed and confidence, the boy made his way up the hill. The fog was thinner as you approached the top of the hill. The half-moon shone, not as bright as day, not by any means, but enough to see the graveyard, enough for that. You could see the abandoned funeral chapel, iron doors locked, ivy on the sides of the tall spire, a small tree growing out the side. You could see stones and tombs and vaults and memorial plaques. You could see the occasional dash or scuttle of a rabbit or a weasel as it slipped out of the undergrowth and across the path. You would have seen these things, in the moonlight, if you had been there that night. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman A Child stepped out of the house a little hesitantly. The fog wrapped around him like a long-lost friend. And then, uncertainly at first, then with increasing speed and confidence, the boy made his way up the hill. The fog was thinner as you approached the top of the hill. The half-moon shone, not as bright as day, not by any means, but enough to see the graveyard, enough for that. You could see the abandoned funeral chapel, iron doors locked, ivy on the sides of the tall spire, a small tree growing out the side. You could see stones and tombs and vaults and memorial plaques. You could see the occasional dash or scuttle of a rabbit or a weasel as it slipped out of the undergrowth and across the path. You would have seen these things, in the moonlight, if you had been there that night. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
A Child stepped out of the house a little hesitantly. The fog wrapped around him like a long-lost friend. And then, uncertainly at first, then with increasing speed and confidence, the boy made his way up the hill. The fog was thinner as you approached the top of the hill. The half-moon shone, not as bright as day, not by any means, but enough to see the graveyard, enough for that. You could see the abandoned funeral chapel, iron doors locked, ivy on the sides of the tall spire, a small tree growing out of the side. You could see stones and tombs and vaults and memorial plaques. You could see the occasional dash or scuttle of a rabbit or a weasel as it slipped out of the undergrowth and across the path. You would have seen these things, in the moonlight, if you had been there that night. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman A Child stepped out of the house a little hesitantly. The fog wrapped around him like a long-lost friend. And then, uncertainly at first, then with increasing speed and confidence, the boy made his way up the hill. The fog was thinner as you approached the top of the hill. The half-moon shone, not as bright as day, not by any means, but enough to see the graveyard, enough for that. You could see the abandoned funeral chapel, iron doors locked, ivy on the sides of the tall spire, a small tree growing out of the side. You could see stones and tombs and vaults and memorial plaques. You could see the occasional dash or scuttle of a rabbit or a weasel as it slipped out of the undergrowth and across the path. You would have seen these things, in the moonlight, if you had been there that night. The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman
What is something your ask yourself as you read? Why does the character act this way? What does the character look like? Let’s draw in symbols To represent each Reading strategy! Do you think these symbols Will come in handy on a Test?? Let’s draw in symbols To represent each Reading strategy! Do you think these symbols Will come in handy on a Test??
1.We’re starting a unit on Active Reading Strategies 2.We will use these during Reading Workshop as we read our novels. 3.We will practice each one, each day 4.You will be tested on your knowledge of each strategy and how to use it.