P OETRY S KILLS : N OTES W RITE THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION DOWN IN YOUR NOTES Stanza: Groups of lines sometimes characterized by a repeated pattern of rhyme or number of lines Irregular Capitalization: emphasizes words Dash: inventive punctuation and sentence structure, including the use of dashes to highlight important words and break up the rhythm of poetry Rhyme Scheme: pattern of the end rhyme in a stanza or an entire poem. Rhyme helps to make the words of a poem memorable and is often used to emphasize important words in the poem. Slant Rhyme: words that do not exactly rhyme (Tomb/True) Repetition: repeated words or phrases
S KILLS R EVIEW Y OU SHOULD ALREADY HAVE THIS INFORMATION, BUT LET ’ S REVIEW. W RITE IT IN YOUR NOTES IF IT ’ S NOT THERE ALREADY. TEXT TXT TEXT Appeal to senses: Descriptive words that appeal to one of the 5 senses (sight, smell, tough, sound, taste) Diction: Specific words used to convey the author’s tone Tone: How the author feels about the subject Central Ideas: Smaller ideas that develop the theme Theme: The underlying message or observation about life or human behavior
T ASK : ( TO BE TURNED IN ) Annotate “A Psalm of Life” to find any and all of the above literary devices. Number each stanza Letter the rhyme scheme (abab/aabb…) Place a star next to each dash Underline repeated words Circle words that are irregularly capitalized Highlight important lines or phrases (central ideas) Here is a copy of the poems Here is a copy of the poems – print it out and annotate it! TEXT
(T ASK CONTINUED ) In the space beneath “A Psalm of Life,” do the following: Theme – tell in your own words, what the theme of the poem is. Author’s Belief – Tell how the author feels about the topic. (this should be an adjective) Details – tell what words in the poem helped you identify the author’s belief Central ideas – choose at least two phrases you highlighted and explain the message presented in those lines.