The atmospheric response to an Oyashio SST front shift in an atmospheric GCM Dima Smirnov, Matt Newman, Mike Alexander, Young-Oh Kwon & Claude Frankignoul August 6, 2013 Workshop on SST Fronts Boulder, Colorado
Impact of SST fronts on mean state Significant impact has now been shown Minobe et al., 2008 Nakamura et al., 2008 Front (solid) No front (dash) SST anomalies in front/no-front experiments approach 10°C 75% 300%
Impact on variability Is the response mainly in the boundary layer? Locally confined? Is the atmosphere sensitive enough to respond to realistic SST front variability? 30% ~12% w/ obs SST (solid) smoothed (dash) ΔSST Taguchi et al., 2009
Experimental design SST anomaly based on the Oyashio Extension Index ( ) Outside of the frontal region (dSST/dy < 1.5 °C 100 km -1 ), SST anomalies are masked dSST/dy (°C 100 km -1 ) WARM COLD OEI from Frankignoul et al., 2011
Model information NCAR’s Community Atmosphere Model (CAM), version 5 25 warm/cold ensembles with different atmospheric initial states from control run (taken a year apart) Two simulations: 1.High-resolution (HR): Uses 0.25° CAM5. 2.Low-resolution (LR): Uses 1° CAM5. Identical initial land, sea-ice and atmospheric initial conditions Compare the Ensemble mean difference (WARM – COLD) between the HR and LR model responses Model Experiments
Horizontal circulation Turbulent heat flux is 10-20% stronger in LR LR response is seasonally dependent Both models imply a ~6-month persistence time for a 150-m mixed layer HR LR Mean Nov-Mar difference: SLP (contour), turbulent heat flux (color), 2-m wind (arrow) NCEP SST (thin contour), SLP (thick contour)
Vertical circulation ω (contour, 1.5x10 -3 Pa s -1 ) div (color, s -1 ) latitude ERA- Int HR LR What is the cause of the stronger circulation in the HR model? +50%
Vertical circulation: forcing Decompose ω using the generalized ω equation: thermal advection vorticity advection diabatic heating HR: Model Output HR: All forcing Re-constructed (left) not perfect, but still useful to compare contribution of individual terms.
Vertical circulation: forcing Diabatic heating: Vorticity advection: Δω (contour) ΔQ DIAB (color) HR LR Δω (contour) Δ(HR-LR) (color) HR LR
Role of eddies : high-pass v’T’ NCEP HR LR Eddies in HR show a much greater sensitivity to the SST frontal shift 850mb v’T’ (mean: contour, diff: color) Cross-section across the front 2 -2 K m s -1
Thermodynamic budget: 950mb HRLR °C day -1 <5%
Thermodynamic budget: 700mb HR °C day -1 LR
Conclusions A high resolution model (<1°) is required to capture the atmospheric response to the Oyashio SST front shift For CAM5, movement of heat from the warm side of the SST front is strongly resolution dependent: In HR, a strong upward heat flux maintains a vertical circulation through the depth of the troposphere In LR, heat is removed largely by horizontal eddy fluxes, causing a shallower vertical circulation Unlike the LR, the HR develops a robust shift in the storm track Collectively, what does this mean for the large scale response?
Remote response HRLR NDJ HR JFM Sea-level pressure LR JFM
Looking ahead Can the difference in the HR and LR responses be explained with a simpler model? Is the difference related to differences in the mean state? Employ a simplified GCM forced by diabatic heating. How much of the difference in the HR and LR responses is actually due to a better resolved SST front, versus a higher-resolution atmosphere. A “smooth” HR simulation (1° SST with a 0.25° GCM) appears to suggest that atmospheric resolution plays a larger role than SST front strength.
Additional Slides
Role of eddies
EHFC – low pass
Smoothed HR Experiment (0.25° CAM5)