LaTeX 周志遠 陳韋名
Outline Introduction Compile Basic use Article structure Form Graph processing Math mode
Introduction TeX system : Created by Donald E. Knuth Purpose : For typesetting LaTeX : a macro for TeX (by Leslie Lamport) The applications on different system – Unix : teTeX – Windows : MiKTeX, fpTeX – Mac : iTeXmac
Setup MiKTeX Texmaker Jabref l-5.1/idisk/installLaTeX.pdf
Compile latex paper.tex bibtex paper.tex latex paper.tex latex paper.tex (make a.dvi file) dvips paper.dvi -o (make file) ps2pdf paper.pdf (make a.pdf file)
Basic use 1. % (Comment) – Example : It's easy to learn LaTeX. %(Of course not) 2. Quotation marks – Example : It's 'wrong' and it's `right'. – Example : It's "wrong" and it's ``right''.
Basic use 3. Ellipsis – Example : It's difficult... so difficult\ldots\ 4. Dash – Example : one-dash, two--dash, three---dash
Basic use 5. Line and Page Breaking \\New paragraph\\*New line, but not new page \newlineNew line\nolinebreakNo line break here \newpageNew page\nopagebreakNo page break here \pagebreakEncourage page break
Article structure Structure \documentclass{article} \begin{document} \end{document} Preamble region : – macro, package – Some instruction (\linespread)
Article structure Structure Footnote – \footnote{} – ABC\footnote{abc} depthInst.depthInst. \part{}3\subsubsection{} 0\chapter{}4\paragraph{} 1\section{}5\subparagraph{} 2\subsection{}
Form tabbing \begin{tabbing} column1 \= column2 \= column3 \\ item1 \> item2 \> item3 \\ itemA \> itemB \> itemC \end{tabbing} tabular \begin{tabular}{||c|c|c||} \hline column1 & column2 & column3 \\ \hline item1 & item2 & item3 \\ itemA & itemB & itemC \\ \hline \end{tabular}
Form \documentclass{article} \usepackage{textcomp} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.2} \tabcolsep=12pt \begin{document} \centering \section*{SPECIFIC HEATS (20 \textcelsius\ AND 1 ATM)} \hline & \multicolumn{2}{c}{\bf Specific Heats} \\ \cline{2-3} & $c$ (J/kg$\cdot$K) & $C$ (J/mol$\cdot$K) \\ \hline Aluminum & 900 & 24.3 \\ Copper & 385 & 24.4 \\ Gold & 130 & 25.6 \\ Steel/Iron & 450 & 25.0 \\ Lead & 130 & 26.8 \\ Mercury & 140 & 28.0 \\ Water & 4190 & 75.4 \\ Ice ($-$10 \textcelsius) & 2100 & 38 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{document}
Graph processing Draw an easy graph \documentclass{article} \usepackage{epic} \begin{document} \unitlength=1mm \begin{picture}(80, 60) \multiput(30, 0)(5, 5){11}{\line(-1, 1){50}} \multiput(30, 0)(-5, 5){11}{\line(1, 1){50}} \end{picture} \end{document}
Graph processing Add a graph into article \documentclass{article} \usepackage{graphicx} \begin{document} \begin{figure} \includegraphics{pic1.png} \caption{The position of typhoon} \end{figure} \end{document}
Math mode $ : Into/Leave the math mode ^ : Superscript _ : Subscript {} : The range of effect region math inline mode : – \begin{math} 1111 \end{math} or \(1111 \) math display mode – \begin{displaymath} 1111 \end{displaymath} – or \[ 1111 \]
Math mode $a^{b^{c^{d^{e_{f_{g_{h_{i}}}}}}}}c$ $f(x)=2x+3$ f(x)=2x+3 $\log(xy)=\log(x)+\log(y)$
Math mode \frac (fraction) (2x+3y)/(3x-2y) => $\frac{2x+3y}{3x-2y}$ \sqrt (sqrt) sqrt(x+y+z-2) => $\sqrt[3]{x+y+z-2}$
Math mode Integral $L(s)=\int^2_1{x^2}dx$ Limit $\lim_{x\rightarrow \infty} {\frac{2x+6}{x-3}}$ Module $x \equiv 2 \pmod 3$