H OW TO TELL T IME Rebecca Smith MSTI 131 Lesson Plan
The face, or the front of the clock, shows 12 hours. The 12 hours on the clock represent the 24 hours in a day. The numbers range from 1 to 12 and the hands rotate clockwise. Each dash represents a minute, so each large number is represented by 5 minutes. For example, on the clock the number 1 represents 5 minutes, the number 2 represents 10 minutes, the number 3 represents 15 minutes, and so on.
The Hour Hand The hour hand is the shorter of the two hands. It is also called the “little hand” The hour hand counts the larger numbers on the clock. This number is always read before the minute hand.
The Minute Hand The minute hand is the longer of the two hands. It is also known as the “big hand” The minute hand counts the smaller dashes on a clock. This number is always read after the hour number has been read.
Hour Hand vs. Minute Hand The word hour is shorter than the word minute. The hour hand is also shorter than the minute hand. The hour hand is always read before the minute hand. The smaller number always goes first. The hour hand is smaller as well as the number it is reading.
Different ways to Tell the Time: Using Quarters A clock is divided in to four different parts. They are divided by 0, 15, 30, 45 minute marks. There are three different ways to substitute the time into words using, quarter past, quarter to, and half past.
When the number of minutes is less than 30, instead of saying all the minutes after the hour, it can be substituted with the words quarter past. Quarter past 2 is the same as 2:15. Quarter past 7 is the same as 7:15. Quarter past 11 is the same as 11:15. Quarter past…
When the number of minutes becomes greater than 30, you can subtract the time from the upcoming hour substituting the words quarter to. Quarter to 2 is the same as 1:45. Quarter to 5 is the same as 4:45. Quarter to 9 is the same as 8:45. Quarter to…
Half past… When the minute hand reaches the 6 on the bottom of the clock it means that 30 minutes has passed. Since a clock only has 60 minutes, half of 60 would be 30. To say 30 minutes has passed, it is the same as saying half the time has passed in the hour, or it is half past the hour. Half past 3 is the same as 3:30. Half past 7 is the same as 7:30. Half past 12 is the same as 12:30.
12:00 There are two different ways of saying that it is 12:00. 12:00 a.m. is also known as midnight. 12:00 p.m. is also known as noon.
Different Ways to Say the Same Time : Quarter past 1 is the same as saying 1:15. Half past 3 is the same as saying 3:30. Quarter to 6 is the same as saying 5:45 Quarter past 8 is the same as saying 8:15. Half past 9 is the same as saying 9:30. Quarter to 12 is the same as saying 11:45.
Question One: How many numbers are on a clock?
Question Two: Which picture is showing 1:00? A. B. C.
Question Three: What is the same as saying it is quarter past 6? 5:45 6:15 6:30
Question Four: Which clock represents the time of 9:10? A. B.
Question Five: The minute hand is read before the hour hand. True False
Question Six: What time is this clock showing? 12:30 6:00 6:30
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