Parent Portal Logins Presentation Georges P Vanier Curriculum Night PowerSchool Parent Portal Logins Presentation Georges P Vanier Curriculum Night
Go to the Lockview website http://www. gpvanier. ednet. ns Go to the Lockview website and click on the “Student Parent Powerschools Portal Click here on the GPV website
Click on Create Account
Fill in the needed information. The user name cannot contain symbols.
Type in the students name, the Access ID and Access Password are found on the Parent Portal letter and choice the relationship to the student. Then hit Enter. If you have more than one student at Georges P Vanier, all the student info can be put in at this time or additional students can be added under Account Preference, Student tab. This Access information can be used to create more than one account.
A closer look at Power Schools. Grades and Attendance Click on dash(hyperlink) per term Attendance
Taking a look at a subject. This section contains a list of Assignments and if they are late, Collected or missing.
Outcome Grades Outcome scores per course and listed by outcome.
Please see your child’s homeroom teacher in their classrooms after The presentation to pick up a letter containing. Access code letter for your child Quick reference guide that reviews the steps from this presentation.