Mobility Management in Iowa. Introductions Jeremy Johnson-Miller Iowa DOT – Office of Public Transit Transit Programs Administrator Statewide Mobility.


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Presentation transcript:

Mobility Management in Iowa

Introductions Jeremy Johnson-Miller Iowa DOT – Office of Public Transit Transit Programs Administrator Statewide Mobility Coordinator Public Transit in Iowa Not just public transit Mobility Management in Iowa Success Stories

Public Transit in Iowa 35 public transit systems, covering all 99 counties Regionalized public transit system Public Transit agencies designated by Iowa DOT Fiscal Year 2014 ridership topped 28 Million rides 1,600 public transit vehicles 3 rd oldest fleet in the nation Funding sources used by transit agencies: local funds, Foundation grants, State Transit Assistance, and Federal Transit Administration

Public Transit in Iowa Demand Response – Provided by the 16 regional transit agencies. Ride reservations are made in advance, normally 24 hours, with the bus picking up the passenger at their location and taking them to their destination. Service is available to the general public, including persons with disabilities. Fixed Route – Provided by the 19 urban transit agencies. This type of transit is provided with set routes, stops, and time points. No advance reservations are necessary. Service is available to the general public, including persons with disabilities. ADA Complementary Paratransit – Provided by the 19 urban transit agencies in, at a minimum, ¾-mile around a fixed route. Passengers must apply, meeting ADA-qualifications to ride. Ride reservations are made the day prior to the desired trip, with the bus picking up the passenger at their location and taking them to their destination.

Intercity Bus Iowa is served by four intercity bus companies: Burlington Trailways: Interstate 80 and US 163 corridors Greyhound Lines: US 63 from Missouri to Ottumwa Jefferson Lines: Interstate 29 and Interstate 35 corridors Lamers Bus Lines: US 20 from Wisconsin into Dubuque Intercity bus service provides a cross-country passenger transportation option for those not wanting to or are not able to afford flying or driving long distances Often more affordable than flying or driving Intercity bus services are not always ADA-accessible Iowa DOT offers competitive grant for ICB services/marketing

Volunteer Transportation Volunteer transportation programs can be formalized through an established non-profit organization, or simply through a smaller network of neighbors. Not always associated with DOT Volunteer organizations may only serve specific segments of the population, such as low-income, ages 60+ or only for specific purposes (i.e., medical, grocery or quality of life trips) *Dependent on funding guidelines These programs fill a niche in the community, responding to a recognized need often faster than a public or private transportation provider Services are generally provided at low or no cost to the rider

Human Service Agencies Human service agencies transport clients in agency or personal vehicles or coordinate with public transit While not the core of their business, transportation is an essential function to ensure clients receive the care and services they require Transporting of clients is often an afterthought or an “other duty as assigned” in a job description How can we work with these agencies, to support their clients on public transit?

Non-Emergency Medical Transportation (NEMT) Contracted service between Iowa Medicaid Enterprise (IME) and TMS / Access2Care (October 2010) All Medicaid eligible persons must work directly with TMS to arrange NEMT services Tasked with finding viable transpiration options Contracts in place with majority of Iowa’s Public Transit systems, along with private and for-profit companies Current TMS contract expires June 2014 (RFP)

Coordination and Navigation 11 Under Iowa Code 324.A, any agency who receives public funding for passenger transportation is to first coordinate with the local public transit agency to provide those services. Coordinating transportation services can save money and time and create efficiencies. Both client and agency. With all the options presented, it can be a very overwhelming. Several transit regions have hired mobility coordinators in the past couple years to help navigate the system.

Iowa Transportation Coordination Council (ITCC) Formed in response to Iowa’s first-in-the-nation transportation coordination law, passed in 1976 Mission: Provide statewide leadership on transportation coordination to improve the mobility of all Iowans Vision: Access to transportation for all Iowans ITCC views mobility managers as part of their strategy to solve transportation access and coordination issues across the state

Iowa Transportation Coordination Council (ITCC) Mobility Management created out of ITCC’s vision for a more coordinated transit system Partners: AARP, American Cancer Society, Dept. of Education, Dept. on Aging, Dept. of Human Services, Refugee Services, Workforce Development, Iowa Mobility Manager Network, Iowa Division of Vocational Rehabilitation, United Ways of Iowa, Iowa Public Transit Association, TMS Management Group, Iowa League of Cities, Dept. of Public Health…

Funding Iowa DOT Commission funded 9 Mobility Coordinators utilizing JARC and New Freedom Funding Mobility Coordinators are 80% funded with Federal and State funds and 20% local match from the community being served The current transportation Bill (MAP-21) has eliminated these funding sources as they previously functioned Current rural Mobility Coordinators are funded through FY2016. Urban Mobility Coordinators are funded through December No new positions are being created.

How Does Iowa Compare? Iowa is among the few who have a truly regionalized public transit system. Many only have urban fixed route systems Mobility Coordination is still a new concept, however, Iowa has been in business for almost 6 years Mobility Coordination can look completely different, dependent to your surrounding population Community Outreach Travel Training (How to ride…) Marketing / Advertising Resource Center

Contact Information

Mobility Management in Iowa An innovative approach for managing and delivering coordinated transportation services to customers, including low-income individuals, older adults, and persons with disabilities Mobility Managers take a person-centered, case management approach to transportation assistance – serve the whole customer Funded with federal funds through the Iowa DOT and local matching funds, coordinators must have a transit agency affiliation, but can be housed within a wide variety of locations: Area Agencies on Aging, Community Action Programs and regional transit agencies

Mobility Management in Iowa Bridge the gap between transportation and human service agencies, bringing transit to the table and gaining insight on how to provide service to the whole customer Provide one-on-one guidance to the appropriate transit resources in the community Attend regional and community meetings, convene Transit Advisory Groups, trip planning, travel training, group presentations, create and plan new services…

Transit Advisory Groups Transit Advisory Group (TAG) can be a way to coordinate efforts within the community. Typically housed at the MPO or transit agency – human services and transit can come together to serve the whole customer Typically hosted by local Planning or regional transit agencies – all are open to the public Apply for community, state or national grants Tackle transportation issues ‘together’ Combine resources

Iowa DOT Resources State Transit Assistance – Special Project Funds Available to all Public Transit providers Immediate opportunity basis Must partner with local human service provider Start-up of new services that have been identified as a need by health, employment or human service agencies participating in the Passenger Transportation Planning process Projects must be identified in the transit agency’s Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) 80% State funded – 20% local match required

Mobility Management: Success ( RIDE) One-Call/One-Click resource Medical Shuttles (historically) Cedar Rapids to Iowa City Fort Dodge DASH Saints Shuttle Marshalltown Missile Ames to Des Moines/Iowa City

Mobility Management: Success NICE Bus (North Iowa Commuter Express) Funded by United Way and Iowa DOT Mason City Area to Winnebago Industries August 2013 (182 riders) December 2013 (590 riders) – 31% increase! FY2014 ridership – 5,870 On Average, saved each worker $2,600/year FY 2015 – funding to purchase 2 additional buses

Mobility Management: Success Region 11 (rural central Iowa) Inclusive study – CTAA funded Technical assistance by Easter Seals Project Action Partnering with Dallas County Public Health to be part of leadership institute. Community Assessment (Adel, Iowa) Access to healthy activities, which include access to transportation services

Mobility Management: Success Region 1 (northeast Iowa) Technical Assistance/funding provided by CTAA Boost employment transportation into rural areas Pop-up marketing events Region-wide survey: Insight from potential ridership (local businesses) Improve image/branding of available services “Who are you going to call? Call EARL!” Efficient, Accessible, Reliable, Life Changing

Mobility Management: Success Region 8 (Rural east central Iowa) Established partnership with Veterans Freedom Center to provide financial assistance for Vets needing transportation to enhance quality of life 2013, Community Foundation grant to provide Travel Training courses Manage/train Volunteer Drivers Increased ridership on “Night Rider” (Dubuque)

Looking Forward Funding – Get Creative! Building Partnerships – Spreading the word! Iowa Department on Aging Cross train Options Counselors at Aging & Disability Resource Centers (ADRC) Expand mobility management mission State Legislature?

Resources National Center for Mobility Management American Public Transit Association Easter Seals Project ACTION National Center on Senior Transportation Partnership for Mobility Management United We Ride Community Transportation Association of America

Questions THANK YOU! Jeremy Johnson-Miller