DAAI - searching
Search: interface* AND cars Quick search – note the wild card * (truncation) and the boolean operator AND. Without them this search gives you no matching records.
Results 7 matching records. The hit list displays the title of the article and the journal. Note that it also gives you a link to Bibsys (where you can look up the journal title). If we have full-text access to this journal, there will also be a link to that here.
Example of record The abstract gives you an idea about the article’s relelevance. Note the subject field, might help you with further searching. There’s also information about which language the article is written in, in this case German.
Result for search ”dashboard* AND display” Different search terms, to approach the topic from a new angle. Returns other hits.
Example of full-text access to article When we look at this record, we can see that, in addition to give us a link to Bibsys, it gives us with a link called ”full-text linking”. This will only appear if we actually have this access.
Full-text article …And this is what we get if we follow that link.
Example of article not available in full-text. This record does not have a full-text linking, so if we want to access this article, we need to find out if we have the journal in print. Use the ”Finn tittelen i Bisys”-link. The search term you need to copy is either the ISSN or the title from the Source field.
Search in Bibsys: Journal name Note: Library (do we have it?) and Holdings (which volumes do we have).
Search: dash* AND automo* And, just to remind you that you can always refine and work on your search terms: Yet another alike but slightly altered search. This time I used the wild card on both ”dash” and ”automo”, giving me results for records containing both words with or without endings. Note the boolean operator AND in this search too.
23 new results …and this time the hit list is more wide-ranging, giving me 23 results.