Governor’s Office of Workforce Development Two Martin Luther King Jr. Drive 1104 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia 30334 Governor Nathan DealExecutive Director.


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Presentation transcript:

Governor’s Office of Workforce Development Two Martin Luther King Jr. Drive 1104 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia Governor Nathan DealExecutive Director Tricia Pridemore Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Title I Adult, Dislocated Worker and Youth February 16, 2012

Governor’s Office of Workforce Development Two Martin Luther King Jr. Drive 1104 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia Governor Nathan DealExecutive Director Tricia Pridemore Objectives 1)Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Primers a)Grant Definitions b)Georgia’s Measures as delegated by United States Department of Labor (USDOL) c)Introduction to Grants d)Individual Training Account e)Local Obligations 2)Local Board Responsibilities 3)WIA Local Plan Content 4)Equal Opportunity and Veterans Mandate as delegated by USDOL 5)United States Department of Labor (USDOL) requirements 6)Workforce Investment Areas 7)Contact Us 8)Governor’s Office of Workforce Development (GOWD) is here for you

Governor’s Office of Workforce Development Two Martin Luther King Jr. Drive 1104 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia Governor Nathan DealExecutive Director Tricia Pridemore WIA Primer - Grant Definitions 1)Title I Grant - Formula grants are distributed to the local areas to serve Adult, Youth, and Dislocated Workers. a)The amount each area receives is determined by local data factors and described in the state plan. 2)Reserve Grants – National Emergency Grants (NEGs) are discretionary grants awarded by the Secretary of Labor to serve dislocated workers in significant dislocation events that arise from the effects of economic globalization, business fluctuations and unexpected events (ex BRAC). 3)De-Obligation - Reallocated funds taken away from the LWIAs by the state. 4)Modification – A modification is required should a local area wish to transfer formula funds between adult and dislocated worker funding streams. a)Modifications should be made according to guidelines set forth from the State Plan. 5)Original Allocation - Allocation amount used to establish the grant for the program year (July 1 – June 30). 6)Training and Employment Guidance Letter (TEGL) which provides updates made by the USDOL 7)EO officer – Equal Opportunity Officer

Governor’s Office of Workforce Development Two Martin Luther King Jr. Drive 1104 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia Governor Nathan DealExecutive Director Tricia Pridemore WIA Primer – Georgia’s Measures Common Measures Three measures for each WIA adults and dislocated workers Entered employment rate Employment retention rate Average six-month earnings Three measures of WIA youth Attainment of a degree of certificate Placement into employment or education Literacy and numeracy gains Please note that Georgia currently has waivers in place from the federal measures

Governor’s Office of Workforce Development Two Martin Luther King Jr. Drive 1104 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia Governor Nathan DealExecutive Director Tricia Pridemore WIA Primer - Introduction to Grants Basic Eligibility requirements for title I services: – 18 years of age or older (adults) – 14 – 21 years of age (youth) – Citizen or non citizen authorized to work in the US – Meet military selective service registration requirements (males only) ***There is no specific age criteria for dislocated workers*** The amount of funding that is distributed to the states is based on formulas for each funding stream as defined in section 127 for Youth Activities and section 132 for Adult and Dislocated Worker Employment and Training Activities of the Act with 5 percent reserved for statewide activities. Of the amount appropriated for Dislocated Worker Employment and Training Activities USDOL reserves 20 percent for use for assistance to the outlying areas, dislocated worker technical assistance, dislocated worker projects, and national emergency grants (NEGs) and the states reserve up to 25 percent for Rapid Response activities.

Governor’s Office of Workforce Development Two Martin Luther King Jr. Drive 1104 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia Governor Nathan DealExecutive Director Tricia Pridemore WIA Primer - Individual Training Account (ITA) An ITA is the primary way for participants (classified as adults) using Title I funds to obtain occupational training. An ITA is essentially a voucher given to participants who need occupational skills training to become gainfully employed or reemployed. The participant utilizes the voucher to reserve a slot in an eligible provider’s training class. Georgia currently utilizes the service of the GCIC to provide a list of eligible providers.

Governor’s Office of Workforce Development Two Martin Luther King Jr. Drive 1104 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia Governor Nathan DealExecutive Director Tricia Pridemore WIA Primer – Local Obligations Any changes such as transfers between the Adult and Dislocated Worker funding streams, funding levels or registrant information must be addressed as a modification to the Local plan. A Local Board may transfer up to 20 percent of a program year allocation for adult employment and training activities, and up to 20 percent of a program year allocation for dislocated worker employment and training activities between the two programs unless a waiver is granted by USDOL for an increase. Local Boards may not transfer funds to or from the youth program.

Governor’s Office of Workforce Development Two Martin Luther King Jr. Drive 1104 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia Governor Nathan DealExecutive Director Tricia Pridemore Local Board Responsibilities A workforce board serves as a “board of directors”, appointed by a Chief Elected Official (CEO) focusing on strategic issues and engaging all parts of the community to achieve outcomes while providing oversight of an integrated seamless one-stop service system in activities pertaining to – Determining roles and responsibilities – Levels of collaboration and cost sharing – Liability of Title I funds – Guidance for core services within WIA guidelines – Guidance for intensive services within WIA guidelines – Guidance for training services within WIA guidelines – Guidance for youth services within WIA guidelines – Linking required one-stop partners through a memorandum of understanding and an executed resource sharing agreement document. – Develop a local plan and budget

Governor’s Office of Workforce Development Two Martin Luther King Jr. Drive 1104 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia Governor Nathan DealExecutive Director Tricia Pridemore WIA Local Plan content – Needs Assessment – The workforce investment needs of businesses, jobseekers, and workers in your local area The current and projected employment opportunities in your area The job skills necessary to obtain such employment opportunities – Workforce Delivery System Continuous improvement of eligible providers to meet the employment needs of local employers and participants Copy of Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Local negotiated performance Adult and dislocated workers program activities Rapid Response activity coordination Youth program activities – Plan development and implementation Local procedural manual to include where the public can comment within the 30 day timeframe, CLEO agreements, LWIB By-Laws – Fiscal agent as determine by the Chief Elected Official – Equal access Opportunity and non discriminatory written policies

Governor’s Office of Workforce Development Two Martin Luther King Jr. Drive 1104 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia Governor Nathan DealExecutive Director Tricia Pridemore Equal Opportunity and Veterans Mandate Section 188 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA)Section 188 of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) prohibits discrimination against applicants, employees and participants in WIA Title I-financially assisted programs and activities, and programs that are part of the One-Stop system, on the grounds of race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. Section 188 also prohibits discrimination on the grounds of age, disability, political affiliation or belief, and for beneficiaries only, citizenship or participation in a WIA Title I-financially assisted program or activity. This law is enforced by the Civil Rights Center.Civil Rights Center Priority of Service applies to every qualified job training program funded, in whole or in part, by the Department of Labor  An agreement to implement priority of service is a condition for receipt of all DOL job training funds  Priority of service applies to all sub-recipients, including sub-grantees, subcontractors, and those delivering services under other types of agreements – Priority of Service cannot be waived

Governor’s Office of Workforce Development Two Martin Luther King Jr. Drive 1104 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia Governor Nathan DealExecutive Director Tricia Pridemore

Governor’s Office of Workforce Development Two Martin Luther King Jr. Drive 1104 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia Governor Nathan DealExecutive Director Tricia Pridemore GEORGIA’s USDOL Requirements – A State plan. This is currently on the GDOL website and effective until June 30, 2011 – Local plans. These are currently on the GDOL website and effective until June 30, 2011 – Assisting in the establishment of One-Stop Delivery System (coordinated with the Chief Elected Official) – Identification of Eligible Providers of Training Service requirements (Youth and Adults) – Performance data on the nine common performance measures – Progress of local areas in achieving local performance measures – Technical assistance – Equal Opportunity compliance

Governor’s Office of Workforce Development Two Martin Luther King Jr. Drive 1104 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia Governor Nathan DealExecutive Director Tricia Pridemore GEORGIA’s USDOL Requirements – Provide leadership to the local boards and knowledge of local strategies – Operating a fiscal and management accountability information system under section 136 (f) – Monitoring Local Workforce Investment Board – Conducting evaluations under section 136(e) of activities authorized in coordination with activities carried out under section 172 – Negotiating expected levels of performance with ETA and LWIBs. – Carry out a system of financial awards (incentive grants) and sanctions which is tied to common performance measures – Compliance statement of nondiscrimination assurances – “Equal Opportunity is the Law” notices

Governor’s Office of Workforce Development Two Martin Luther King Jr. Drive 1104 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia Governor Nathan DealExecutive Director Tricia Pridemore Contact Us Main number at Cherry Peterson - compliance manager Diaon Woods – External Affairs Specialist Workforce Professionals Our goal as the state of Georgia is to present a competitive working state, consistent local areas, greater accountability to our grantor, and job placement for our citizens

Governor’s Office of Workforce Development Two Martin Luther King Jr. Drive 1104 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia Governor Nathan DealExecutive Director Tricia Pridemore Governor’s Office of Workforce Development (GOWD) wants to hear from you Please GOWD with things you think we can keep Please GOWD with things you would like to see different Please GOWD with local area program success stories Please GOWD with local area program not so successful stories ****We are here to collaborate with you from SWIB to LWIB to Directors**** GO TEAM GEORGIA

Governor’s Office of Workforce Development Two Martin Luther King Jr. Drive 1104 West Tower Atlanta, Georgia Governor Nathan DealExecutive Director Tricia Pridemore Thank You We will send updated s for any missing information from your file