Consider each of the following broad categories of societal change: – Privacy – Safety – Globalization – Connectivity (keeping in touch with people) – Permanence of historical information Discuss whether availability of data has had a positive or negative impact on each aspect of society and, if negative, how these consequences can be minimized. You can use any Web 2.0 tool to create your presentation.
An employee tweets a disrespectful, racist and hateful tweet on Twitter about a co-worker. The co-worker is told by other co-workers about the tweet and was given a print-off of the tweet. This co-worker goes to the company’s HR office and demands this employee be reprimanded or better yet, fired.
The co-worker that the tweet was about definitely had the right to bring it to his supervisor’s attention if he/she thought his/her life was in danger or if the employee is publicly racist and this could spill over into the work environment.
If the co-worker did not do anything prior to the tweet to lead the employee to tweet this nature of a message, then there would be no fault. If he/she did do something prior, it still would not justify a GLOBAL and PUBLIC disrespectful, racist or hateful message.
The same employee creates a Hate group on Facebook about this co-worker.
Other people who liked you before may not want to associate with you since you are posting hateful and discriminatory comments online about coworkers. They may wonder when you are going to post something about them.
Privacy – A tweet is not private. If the employee used the name or the Twitter name of the co-worker, that would be worse. Safety – If the co-worker felt he/she was in danger due to the nature of the message, that would be a justified complaint to management; harrassment Globalization – Tweets may be global; Twitter is a public social network Connectivity (keeping in touch with people) – If the employee has a lot of followers and those followers are from the same company, that would complicate the matter worse. Permanence of historical information – Tweets are archived. They can be brought back and read at any time.