UNESCO/IHE Delft/Ministry of Water Resources China, Global Runoff Data Centre...facilitator of data exchange between data providers and data users 1 1 3rd Session of the GTN-H Panel, 17 – 19 September 2007, Koblenz, GRDC – Surface Runoff 1 Ulrich Looser 3rd Session of the GTN-H Panel GRDC Global Runoff Data Centre Surface Runoff
UNESCO/IHE Delft/Ministry of Water Resources China, Global Runoff Data Centre...facilitator of data exchange between data providers and data users 2 2 3rd Session of the GTN-H Panel, 17 – 19 September 2007, Koblenz, GRDC – Surface Runoff 2 GRDC stations - development over time
UNESCO/IHE Delft/Ministry of Water Resources China, Global Runoff Data Centre...facilitator of data exchange between data providers and data users 3 3 3rd Session of the GTN-H Panel, 17 – 19 September 2007, Koblenz, GRDC – Surface Runoff 3 GRDC stations - development over time
UNESCO/IHE Delft/Ministry of Water Resources China, Global Runoff Data Centre...facilitator of data exchange between data providers and data users 4 4 3rd Session of the GTN-H Panel, 17 – 19 September 2007, Koblenz, GRDC – Surface Runoff 4 Spatial distribution of GRDC Stations indicated by time series end, (monthly discharge data including data derived from daily discharge data)
UNESCO/IHE Delft/Ministry of Water Resources China, Global Runoff Data Centre...facilitator of data exchange between data providers and data users 5 5 3rd Session of the GTN-H Panel, 17 – 19 September 2007, Koblenz, GRDC – Surface Runoff 5 Spatial distribution of GRDC Stations indicated by time series length, monthly discharge data including data derived from daily discharge data)
UNESCO/IHE Delft/Ministry of Water Resources China, Global Runoff Data Centre...facilitator of data exchange between data providers and data users 6 6 3rd Session of the GTN-H Panel, 17 – 19 September 2007, Koblenz, GRDC – Surface Runoff 6 Current GRDC Projects GTN-R project ETN-R project Update of some GIS products –WMO Sub Regions –Drainage basin and River network as basis for WHYMAP (World-wide Hydrogeological Mapping and Assessment Programme) –GRDC Major River Basins EWA (European Water Archive) of NE-FRIEND –Define data model for EWA –Transfer data –Adjust database tools Routine work on data acquisition, database management, metadata issues, GIS layers, publications, website maintenance and data dissemination Participation in international projects and programmes e.g. GCOS, GTOS, TOPC, GEWEX CEOP, GEO etc.
UNESCO/IHE Delft/Ministry of Water Resources China, Global Runoff Data Centre...facilitator of data exchange between data providers and data users 7 7 3rd Session of the GTN-H Panel, 17 – 19 September 2007, Koblenz, GRDC – Surface Runoff 7 Please visit: GRDC at Thank you for your interest: Ulrich Looser