MAP D-PHASE Forecast Demonstration Project Instrument of WWRP Last phase of MAP Mathias Rotach, MeteoSwiss
What is an FDP? WWRP instrument > Forecast of weather of international relevance high-impact weather > Clear evaluation protocols > Expectation of success > Clear advance in operational forecast. Proposal to WWRP
Components of MAP FDP Forecast heavy precipitation events in the alps Include assimilation schemes (e.g., for radar data) Coupling hydro/meteo models End-user specific products develop and verify on MAP cases experience with operational MC-2 (3km resolution during MAP SOP) Forecast Demonstration period
General Goals Demonstrate ability for improved forecast of heavy precipitation in the alps High-resolution atmospheric modelling ensemble forecast technique Radar data (assimilation) Hydrological modeling End users involved (end user needs, e.g. probabilistic forecasts) Evaluation protocols (yet to be determined)
D-PHASE…. Demonstration of Probabilistic Hydrological and Atmospheric Simulation of Flooding Events in the Alps
D-PHASE essentials Forecast (warning) chain for heavy precipitation events in the alps Test in pre-defined ‘Forecast Period’ MAP season (Sept to November): 2006 (7?) extension to COPS (DFG field program on QNV in summer 07)? Joint Target area: Lago Maggiore – various sub- areas
Strategy for D-PHASE Atmosphere - Multi-component approach: 1. Local EPS systems (COSMO-LEPS, LAMEPS, PEPS,..) 3-5 days probabilistic forecast likelihood of ‘event’
Probability maps for 24 h precipitation André Walser & COSMO-LEPS
Strategy for D-PHASE Atmosphere - Multi-component approach: 1. Local EPS systems (COSMO-LEPS, LAMEPS, PEPS,..) 3-5 days probabilistic forecast likelihood of ‘event’ 2. ‘standard’ deterministic models at high resolution (1-3km) short-range, targeted coupled hydrological models latest radar information assimilated 3. A possible ‘micro-LEPS’ made up as a poor man’s EPS from the above probabilistic information on hydrol. patterns.
Strategy for D-PHASE Hydrosphere: 1. Hydrological models distributed coupled 2. Assimilation of latest information radar composites rain gauges 3. Probabilistic forcing from atmospheric models from radar (obs) uncertainty
Using COSMO-LEPS for hydrological forecasting COSMO-LEPS Setup: quasi-operational since November 2002 initial and boundary cond. from ECMWF EPS Integration period: 120 h Model: Lokal Modell (LM) Grid-spacing: 10 km, 32 levels Hydrological Model Setup: Rhine upstream of Rheinfelden (34550 km 2 ) Model: PREVAH (Gurtz et al. 1999) Driven by LM / COSMO-LEPS A few test cases with 51 EPS members AARE (Thun) ILL (Gisingen) Mark Verbunt, Christoph Schär ETH Zürich & COSMO-LEPS crew
Deterministic Runoff Forecast observed runoff Runoff [mm/h] Aare - Thun (2490 km 2 ) 1970: ~400 m 3 /s 1999: ~570 m 3 /s initialization deterministic forecast hydrological model driven by surface observations simulated runoff Mark Verbunt, Christoph Schär ETH Zürich & COSMO-LEPS crew
Deterministic versus Probabilistic Forecast Runoff [mm/h] AARE - Thun (2490 km 2 ) 51 member LEPS forecast hydrological model driven by surface observations no precip initialization (Mark Verbunt, ETH Zürich) Mark Verbunt, Christoph Schär ETH Zürich & COSMO-LEPS crew
Deterministic versus Probabilistic Forecast Runoff [mm/h] ILL – Gisingen 51 member LEPS forecast hydrological model driven by surface observations initialization Mark Verbunt, Christoph Schär ETH Zürich & COSMO-LEPS crew
Representative members Runoff [mm/h] 5 EPS members (COSMO-LEPS clustering) 10 EPS members (COSMO-LEPS clustering) 51 EPS members Runoff [mm/h] (Mark Verbunt, ETH Zürich) ILL – Gisingen Mark Verbunt, Christoph Schär ETH Zürich & COSMO-LEPS crew
Strategy for D-PHASE End users: 1.Authorities civil protection river/lake management 2.THEIR needs thresholds cost/loss --> end-to-end flood forecasting system
Event? Where? yes HI-res simulation Alert Day -4 ECMWF EPS LAMEPS Day 0 Latest obs. Nowcasting Latest obs. Action Time regionalLEPS (COSMO) LEPS Days -3, -2, -1 Sub-domain X no HI-res simulation HI-res simulation HI-res simulation HI-res simulation Confir- mation ECMWF EPS LAMEPS regionalLEPS (COSMO) LEPS HI-res LEPS Hydrol. simulation
Contributions Many (more than one..) LEPS SYSTEMS Many high-res (1-4km) deterministic models --> most covering ‚the alps‘
Contributions Many (more than one..) LEPS SYSTEMS Many high-res (1-4km) deterministic models --> most covering ‚the alps‘ Many hydrol. Models --> each for one (more) catchment
Contributions Many (more than one..) LEPS SYSTEMS Many high-res (1-4km) deterministic models --> most covering ‚the alps‘ Quite a few hydrol. Models --> each for one (more) catchments End users: to be determined & involved
Time table Evaluation etc.2007 Demonstration period:Aug to Nov 2006 (Jun/Jul desirable) Test chain readysummer 2006 High res. models tested:end 2005 Hydrol. Models tested:end 2005 Test cases defined:May 2005 Definition of user needs:May 2005 Set up of organisationend 2005 (done) Financial resources: Startsummer 2005 applicationasap (dependent on what/where/etc) Proposal WWRP:spring 2005 Start:May 2004 Time June to Nov 2007 ??
Thank you for your attention