The Water Cycle and how it affects weather.
Water is essential to life on earth.
97% is ocean 2% frozen less than 1% for drinking water Water on Earth
How do we continue to have water if it is such a limited supply? The water cycle
The Three forms of Water. Solids: When water becomes very cold and freezes it will change from a liquid to a solid. It has a definite form and shape. Liquids: When water takes the shape of its container it is in a liquid form. Gases: When water is seen in a vapor form and has no definite size or shape it is in a gas form.
Solids We see it in ice in glaciers And in frost
Gases You see water in the form of gas, when you see clouds
Steam is water in a gaseous form. Water also becomes a gas when it evaporates, Or when you see a geyser or hot pots.
Water Cycle and the Atmosphere The water cycle stores and moves earth’s water around the globe with wind The sun powers the whole cycle because it provides HEAT!!! Evaporation and Transpiration – Liquid changes to a vapor Liquid must heat up Hot air rises Condensation: – Vapor changes to a liquid Hot air rises and cools Forms clouds Moved by the wind Precipitation: – Liquid Clouds must get heavy Gravity pulls the rain down Replenishes earth’s water supply
Sunshine The sun will shine on water located in various areas making it warmer. This heat energy is necessary to turn water into vapor. This vapor eventually becomes a cloud.
Evaporation Evaporation is the process by which water changes from a liquid to a gas or vapor. Evaporation is the primary pathway that water moves from the liquid state back into the water cycle as atmospheric water vapor. Studies have shown that the oceans, seas, lakes, and rivers provide nearly 90 percent of the moisture in the atmosphere via evaporation, with the remaining 10 percent being contributed by plant transpiration.transpiration
Transpiration The process by which plants lose water out of their leaves.
Condensation is the process by which water vapor in the air is changed into liquid water. Condensation is crucial to the water cycle because it is responsible for the formation of clouds. These clouds may produce precipitation, which is the primary route for water to return to the Earth's surface within the water cycle.precipitation Condensation is the opposite of evaporation.evaporation
Where does it come from? Millions of water droplets come together to form clouds. The clouds get heavy and gravity tugs on the droplets and the clouds release….
Precipitation is water released from clouds in the form of rain, freezing rain, sleet, snow, or hail. It is the primary connection in the water cycle that provides for the delivery of atmospheric water to the Earth. Most precipitation falls as rain.
Rain As evaporation occurs, the water vapor becomes clouds. These clouds get so full of water that water droplets (rain) starts to fall. It falls onto the ground and into lakes, rivers, and streams.
Snow When the air is really cold, it might snow rather than rain. It will remain on top of the ground until it melts. It will then turn into water and run into streams and rivers.
Mountains and Ice The snow that falls onto mountains may turn into ice because of the cold temperatures. This ice and snow may form glaciers.
Runoff Oceans act as a large storehouse of water that evaporates to become atmospheric moisture. The oceans are kept full by precipitation and also by runoff and discharge from rivers and the ground. – Surface runoff: water falls onto the land and runs into rivers, oceans, and streams. Final destination for runoff is the ocean. Runoff affects weather by causing floods – Ground water runoff: rivers gain and lose water to the ground.
Rivers and Streams Rivers and streams carry water to reservoirs, lakes and finally to the ocean. Many carry the water thousands of miles.
Oceans Oceans cover about ¾ of the surface of the Earth. When the fresh water gets to the ocean it mixes and becomes salty. The sun shines on the oceans and warms the water. The water becomes vapor and forms a cloud.
How does runoff affect weather? Flooding can occur if the amount of precipitation in an area exceeds the evaporation rate and infiltration capacity of the soil. Significant floods can also occur as water hits paved areas and has not chance to infiltrate into the ground. Hard ground surfaces and impermeable clay surfaces will also prevent water from infiltrating and can cause flash floods. What is the final destination for runoff? Water that does not get absorbed into the soil, or rise back into the atmosphere as water vapor, will run off surfaces collecting in varied locations such as low lying areas, floodplains, Oceans, lakes, rivers, streams.