SLIDE 1 Sustainable Stormwater Management May 6, 2015 Blue Highways: Transportation and Stormwater Management in Virginia Ginny Snead, PE Richmond Office Lead
SLIDE 2 Blue Highways WHY SUSTAINABLE STORMWATER? Historical Concerns – Flood/Drainage Control Clean Water Act – Water Quality – Fishable & Swimmable Waters Federal Regulation Changes / Legal Challenges Chesapeake Bay TMDL – Urban Sector: Retrofits to comply New State Regs: Sustainable Development – Retrofitting is Expensive – Flood Damage is Expensive – Fishable and Swimmable Waters
SLIDE 3 Blue Highways Pollution Prevention – Good Housekeeping – Reduce Flows from Storm Events Environmental Site Design/Low Impact Design – Preserve Natural Features – Create Green Spaces – Retention and Infiltration “New” Virginia Regulations – Construction Sites – MS4 Permits Overview SUSTAINABLE STORMWATER APPROACHES
SLIDE 4 Blue Highways WHAT IS AN MS4? 1.Owned or operated by a federal, state, city, town, county, district, association, or other public body, created by or pursuant to state law, having jurisdiction or delegated authority for erosion and sediment control and stormwater management, or a designated and approved management agency under §208 of the CWA that discharges to surface waters; 2.Designed or used for collecting or conveying stormwater; 3.That is not a combined sewer; and 4.That is not part of a publicly owned treatment works. "Municipal separate storm sewer" means a conveyance or system of conveyances otherwise known as a municipal separate storm sewer system, including roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, manmade channels, or storm drains: DOTs: Vary from Region to Region and by State as to how they are permitted for their MS4
SLIDE 5 Blue Highways URBANIZED AREAS IN VIRGINIA Blacksburg Bristol Charlottesville Fredericksburg Harrisonburg Kingsport (TN) Lynchburg Richmond Roanoke Virginia Beach Washington, D.C Winchester Plus 11 Phase I (Large) MS4s in Northern Virginia, Richmond and Hampton Roads Areas of the Commonwealth – VDOT permit covers all Urbanized Areas
SLIDE 6 Blue Highways Construction General Permit – Develop a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) »Erosion & Sediment Control Plan (ESC) – during construction »Pollution Prevention Plan (P3) – during construction »Stormwater Management Plan (VSMP) – post construction – Stronger Regulatory Measures Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System – Phase II (Small) – General Permit »6 Minimum Control Measures (MCMs) Special Conditions – Measureable Goals STORMWATER POLLUTION PREVENTION New Regulatory Requirements – Federal Clean Water Act Discharge Permits
SLIDE 7 Blue Highways MS4 Requirements – VDOT Current Permit 6 MINIMUM CONTROL MEASURES MCM 1. Public education and outreach on stormwater impacts MCM 2. Public involvement and participation MCM 3. Illicit discharge detection and elimination MCM 4. Construction site stormwater runoff control MCM 5.Post-construction stormwater management in new development and redevelopment MCM 6. Pollution prevention/good housekeeping for municipal operations
SLIDE 8 Blue Highways MS4 Requirements 6 MCM MEASURABLE GOALS Public Engagement/Outreach/Education – MCM 1: Three High Priority WQ Issues – MCM 2: Four Local Activities System Inventory/Asset Management – MCM 3: Outfall Mapping and Screening Pollution Prevention – MCM 4: ESC; Staff and Contractor Training; TMDL Inspections – MCM 5: Post Construction; Local VSMP Programs; Staff and Contractor Training; SWPPP Review – MCM 6: Good Housekeeping: EMS-like policies/procedures; High Priority Facilities; Staff and Contractor Training Special Conditions - TMDLs
SLIDE 9 Blue Highways Now Have Specific MS4 Requirements TOTAL MAXIMUM DAILY LOADS Required Load Reductions – Pollutant Specific – Best Management Practices – Chesapeake Bay Program – Va DEQ Chesapeake Bay TMDL Action Plan – 5% Plan June 30, 2015 – 40%, 100% implemented under future permit requirements – TMDL Law Suit – Achieved by 2025
SLIDE 10 Blue Highways Water Quality Criteria and Methodology – Runoff Reduction Method – Promotes Sustainable Design »Environmental Site Design »Volume (source) Reduction »Infiltration/GW Recharge Water Quantity Criteria – Energy Balance Equation – Flood Control State Approved BMP Efficiencies – Retention/Bioretention/Infiltration – Innovative Practices Local Programs – Streamlined Permitting – Enhanced Compliance New VSMP Requirements STATE REGULATION CHANGES
SLIDE 11 Blue Highways “Traditional” BMP pollutant removal efficiencies do not take into account the removal that occurs when the runoff volume is reduced. Many BMPs do not reduce runoff volume at all. Traditional Methodology SIMPLE METHOD
SLIDE 12 Blue Highways Using BMPs that also provide volume reduction provides greater overall pollutant (mass load) removal This reflects a “Mass Balance” Approach New Virginia Methodology RUNOFF REDUCTION METHOD
SLIDE 13 Blue Highways The longer and stronger the force acts, the more sediment is moved. The ENERGY BALANCE METHOD is based on the interaction of both flow volume and peak discharge, which determine the stream channel configuration Reduce Peak Discharge Rate Water Quantity / Flood Control ENERGY BALANCE METHOD
SLIDE 14 Blue Highways Virginia BMP Clearinghouse Examples: – Rooftop Disconnection – Rainwater Harvesting – Grass Swales – Infiltration – Bio-retention – Wet Swale – Wet Pond – Extended Detention Proprietary BMPs + NEW STORMWATER BMPS
SLIDE 15 Blue Highways TMDLs – Load Reductions from the Urban Sector – Chesapeake Bay TMDL Sea Level Rise/Climate Change Groundwater Recharge Long-Term BMP Maintenance Cost Reductions? – Future Innovative BMPs – Water Quality Markets Recognizing the Need for Sustainable Stormwater Management STORMWATER EVOLVING DISCUSSIONS
SLIDE 16 Blue Highways QUESTIONS? Ginny Snead, PE