………Solving Every Water Problem
Proficiency Ground Water Targeting & Development Watershed plans for sustainable ground water development and management Geophysical Investigations Water Conservation & Recharge Ground Water Modeling Conceptualization Mathematical Translation Predictive Solutions Solid Waste Management, Lake Restoration & Management
Some Case Studies Honda Seil, Tapukara, Bhiwadi, Alwar, Rajasthan British Pertolieum, CBM Block, Birbhum, West Bengal Jindal Steel and Power, Angul, Orissa Objective: Study the hydrogeological settings and provide ground water development and management plan for optimum utilization and augmentation of the ground water.
Honda Seil, Tapukara, Bhiwadi Water Solutions Provided: Assessment of ground water availability and its development prospects to meet the water demand of Honda Seil. Suggested scientifically based ground water management plan for sustainable water supply. Suggested suitable well design for tube wells and artificial recharge structures to ameliorate the adverse impact on the ground water regime. Suggested plan for ground water regime monitoring for surveillance on water levels and quality.
Approach for Investigations Hydrogeological investigation to assess the ground water potential, yield prospects and design of the production wells through application of advanced analytical tools. Physiographic and Geomorphological studies dovetailed with Remote Sensing studies to support the hydrogeological investigations. Geophysical investigations to decipher subsurface lithology and disposition of the aquifer for locating the best site for production well and ground water recharge. Assessment of recharge potential and availability of monsoon runoff for “Rain Water harvesting and Artificial Recharge to Ground Water” for its augmentation. Designing of production wells and recharge structures with full scientific and technical specifications Honda Seil, Tapukara, Bhiwadi…….contd.
Quartzite basement topography Honda Seil, Tapukara, Bhiwadi…….contd.
Geomorphology Hydrogeology
Honda Seil, Tapukara, Bhiwadi…….contd. Depth to Water Levels Proposed well locations
British Petroleum, CBM Block, Birbhum Water Solutions Provided: Regional hydrogeological setting of CBM Block through geological, geomorphological and remote sensing studies. Ground water development prospects, proposed methodologies for delineating ground water worthy areas sites for tube well. Qualitative and Quantitative assessment of ground water resources. Delineation of vertical and lateral extents of aquifers. Developing conceptual model of area. Development of ground water management plan for the identified areas.
Hydrogeology Physiography British Petroleum, CBM Block, Birbhum…….contd.
Approach Prepared maps on various themes pertaining to Physiography, geomorphology, geology, hydrogeology, etc. at regional, district and CBM block levels to collate the information and developed the regional model of Birbhum district and conceptual model of the CBM block incorporating regional hydrogeological setting, ground water worthy areas, development prospects, water quality and suggested sustainable management options. British Petroleum, CBM Block, Birbhum…….contd.
Panel Diagram developed based on Primary and Secondary data collected from study area. British Petroleum, CBM Block, Birbhum…….contd.
Conceptual Litho- Stratigraphic Model British Petroleum, CBM Block, Birbhum…….contd.
Jindal Steel and Power, Raigarh Study aims suggesting most viable and scientifically managed plan for development and utilization of surface and ground water on a watershed management approach. In order to provide sustainability, number of artificial recharge structures has also been proposed. Detailed hydrogeological and hydrological investigation has been carried out. Various tools such as remote sensing, GIS and advanced analytical techniques has been used at various levels for run off computations, identify suitable areas for ground water development, rain water harvesting and artificial recharge structures.
Approach & Findings Detailed hydrogeological and hydrological investigation has been carried out using tools such as remote sensing, GIS and advanced analytical techniques at various levels for run off computations, Suitable areas for ground water development, rain water harvesting and artificial recharge structures have been identified. Surface water availability and surface runoff being generated is assessed in entire study area which is divided into number of watersheds using the drainage network. Area of interest lies in the watershed of Kurdhabhali Nala, covers major part of the project area offering good prospect of water harvesting. British Petroleum, CBM Block, Birbhum…….contd.
Approach & Findings Watershed has been divided and demarcated into 11 micro watersheds considering the lowest order of drainage network. The monthly surface water run off computed for each micro watershed and about 10 Million Cubic Meter (MCM) ) of water is assessed as run off from the entire watershed in the four monsoon months. Water harvesting structures designed to harness only 20 to 25% of the flow to the tune of 2 to 2.5 MCM so as to keep minimum flow in the downstream as well as to maintain the ecological balance of the area. British Petroleum, CBM Block, Birbhum…….contd.
Watershed Map of area Micro Watersheds
British Petroleum, CBM Block, Birbhum…….contd. Hydrogeology of area Ground Water Prospects Map
Other Expertise of Water Solutions
GW Well Drilling & Drill time log
Hydrogeological Correlation
Pumping Test analysis
Litholog- Well Assembly Geophysical log
Subsurface disposition using Geophysical surveys
Water Conservation & Budgeting
Ground Water Modeling
Model Input
Model Prediction Yr 1 Model Prediction Yr 2
Model Calibration
Predictive model
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