Scoping Waterfront Management and Regeneration Technical Works in Landscape Scoping Waterfront Management and Regeneration Ing. arch. Zuzana LADZIANSKA Institute for Spatial Planning and Urban Design Spectra, Centre of Excellence, FA STU Bratislava Presentation to The Geddes Institute, PhD Seminar Friday 30th September, 2005
Objectives Waterfronts Hydrological Cycles Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems Flooding Gap in our understanding and Knowledge Research Question and Proposed Methodology
Waterfronts Definition History Impetus Waterfront (re-)development/use A waterfront is the boundary between a body of water, such as a lake or river, and the land abutting it ( History Impetus Waterfront (re-)development/use Key issues
Nature Hydrological Cycle Scheme of hydrological cycle in nature Hydrological cycle in nature
Urban Hydrological Cycle Scheme of urban hydrological cycle Urban hydrological cycle
SUDS – Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems Quantity and quality of runoff Conventional drainage system SUDS - ”Prevention is better than cure”
Flooding Flooding is a result of Flood defence river management tidal surges in estuaries (flood and ebb) impact of the sea gravitation greenhouse effect Flood defence
Research Topic: Technical Works in Landscape Hydrological cycles River management Flood management Flood defence SUDS? Waterfront regeneration? Visual impact assessment Aesthetics Perception 2 1 Research Question How to implement aesthetical values into the technical flood defence features?