Lake Winnebago Aquatic Plants Informational Meeting
Purpose I Give an overview of factors impacting the growth of aquatic plants in Lake Winnebago.
Describe what residents can do to control aquatic plants this summer (short-term): –Manual removal –Chemical Treatment Purpose II
Purpose III Describe lake organizations and available funding sources for addressing lake issues over the long-term. Lake Organizations AssociationDistrictCommission
Agenda 6:00pm: Welcome. 6:15pm: Factors Impacting Plant Growth. 6:30pm: Managing Plants This Summer. 6:45pm: Lake Organizations. 7:00pm: Your Questions & Comments. 7:30pm: Adjourn.
??? Shoreline property runoff Aquatic Plants Water Level Management Invasive Species Agricultural Runoff Urban Stormwater Boating Algae Blooms Local Economy Recreational Expectations Health of Fishery Water Clarity/Quality Property Values & Tax Revenues Interconnections