1 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400pt 500 pt 100 pt 200 pt 300 pt 400 pt 500 pt 100pt 200 pt 300pt 400 pt 500 pt 100pt 200 pt 300pt 400 pt 500 pt 100 pt Living Things Anything Goes WatershedChemistry River Grab-bag
2 100: Feeding group of BMI’s that eat algae from rocks and other surfaces
3 100 What are scrapers?
4 200: Bacteria that are often found in raw sewage.
5 200: What are fecal coliform bacteria.
6 300: Another term for producers or plants.
7 300: What are autotrophs?
8 400: Algae tends to overgrow in lakes polluted with these substances.
9 400: What are nitrates and phosphates.
10 500: the meaning of benthic
11 500: What is bottom dwelling.
12 100: The percent of fresh water that is readily available for human use.
13 100: What is.1%
14 200: The name of the lake that holds water diverted from the Landsburg Dam.
15 200: What is Lake Youngs?
16 300: A fixed object in a river that allows water to move through it.
17 300: What is a Strainer?
18 400: 6.5 to 8.2 is the optimum range for this chem test
19 400: what is pH?
20 500: This diversion dam diverts water from the Cedar River to Seattle.
21 500: What is the Landsburg Dam?
22 100: Surrounding land that drains water into a common body of water.
23 100: What is a watershed?
24 200: The source of energy for the Earth's water cycle
25 200: What is the Sun?
26 300: Pollution that can be traced to a specific source.
27 300: What is Point Pollution?
28 400: The Landsburg Dam diverts water to this lake
29 400: What is Lake Youngs?
30 500: These two things serve as reservoirs (holding places) of water up in the Cedar River Watershed (above Landsburg)
31 500: What is Chester Morse Lake and Masonry Dam.
32 100: cutting back trees from the shoreline can impact this chemistry test
33 100: What is temperature (or Total solids)?
34 200: This chemistry test is a measure of how acidic and basic the water is.
35 200: What is pH?
36 300: A healthy level for temperature change.
37 300: What is 0!?
38 400: An excellent range for WQI.
39 400: What is ?
40 500: These two tests are affected by soil erosion and urban runoff and make the water “muddy” looking.
41 500: What are total solids and turbidity?
42 100: BMI’s that are very intolerant to pollution have this PTV range
43 100: What is 0-2
44 200: PTV stands for this….
45 200: What is pollution tolerance value?
46 300: Increased temperature affects this Chemistry test.
47 300: What is DO?
48 400: The ideal amount of Nitrates for water.
49 400: What is 0!?
50 500: The dam in the upper Cedar River watershed that was built to hold water.
51 500: What is the Masonry dam?