SSS climatology from TAO-PIRATA moored buoys
Specifications : Network of 105 moored buoys with TSG measurement : Network of 105 moored buoys with TSG measurement : Pacific Ocean TAO/TRITON Pacific Ocean TAO/TRITON Atlantic Ocean PIRATA Indian Ocean We process data from January 2000 to January 2008 Measurements of conductivity each 10 minutes Measurements of conductivity each 10 minutes Time scale available : 1 hour, daily, 5-days, monthly, quarterly Time scale available : 1 hour, daily, 5-days, monthly, quarterly SSS measured at 1m ( more than 85% ) and at 2m. SSS measured at 1m ( more than 85% ) and at 2m.
Quality indices 4 levels depending of results of pre and post-deployment calibrations 4 levels depending of results of pre and post-deployment calibrations 1 - Highest Quality. Pre/post-deployment calibrations agree to within sensor specifications. In most cases, only pre-deployment calibrations have been applied. 2 - Default Quality. Pre-deployment calibrations only or post- deployment calibrations only applied. Default value for sensors presently deployed and for sensors which were not recovered or not calibratable when recovered, or for which pre-deployment calibrations have been determined to be invalid. 3 - Adjusted Data. Pre/post calibrations differ, or original data do not agree with other data sources (e.g., other in situ data or climatology), or original data are noisy. Data have been adjusted in an attempt to reduce the error. 4 - Lower Quality. Pre/post calibrations differ, or data do not agree with other data sources (e.g., other in situ data or climatology), or data are noisy. Data could not be confidently adjusted to correct for error.
Problem : with quality indices equals to 2, we don’t know if data are correct or not Problem : with quality indices equals to 2, we don’t know if data are correct or not So which data should be kept and which ones should be removed ?
Data availability Verification of availability and quality indices for monthy SSS data for all the buoys from January 2000 and January Verification of availability and quality indices for monthy SSS data for all the buoys from January 2000 and January Distinction between two cases : Distinction between two cases : when we kept only data with quality indices equal to 1 and 3 (Good and adjusted data) when we kept all data (except quality indices equal to 4) Months corresponding to an El-Nino events are removed of the study. Months corresponding to an El-Nino events are removed of the study.
May 2002 April 2003 August 2006 February 2007
Results for selected moored buoys For the buoy located at 5N, 147E, data are only available for daily mean. For the buoy located at 5N, 147E, data are only available for daily mean. Availability (without El-Nino Months) : less than 1 year, more than 1 year, more than 2 years, more than 3 years, more than 4 years, more than 5 years, Availability (without El-Nino Months) : less than 1 year, more than 1 year, more than 2 years, more than 3 years, more than 4 years, more than 5 years, LatitudeLongitude Total Time Period Avaliable (months) With quality indices equal to 1 and 3 With all data Atlantic Ocean Pacific Ocean
Buoys with SSS measured at 1m : on 83 buoys, 32 have a data availability less than one year Buoys with SSS measured at 1m : on 83 buoys, 32 have a data availability less than one year Results for others buoys (without El-Nino Months) More than 1 year More than 2 years More than 3 years More than 4 years More than 5 years
Results for others buoys: Buoys with SSS measured at 2m:all data have quality indices equal to 2: Buoys with SSS measured at 2m:all data have quality indices equal to 2: More than 1 year More than 2 years More than 3 years More than 4 years More than 5 years
Selected Buoys represented by diamonds
Note: Note: Climatologic plot are available on TAO-PIRATA website : This climatology is computed from the World Ocean Database 2005 (data from CTD, drifters, TSG …) We can plot : 1°) for each month, a Latitude-Longitude map:
2°) for different latitude, a Time-Longitude section and for different longitude, a Latitude-Time section: 2°) for different latitude, a Time-Longitude section and for different longitude, a Latitude-Time section:
3°) for different latitude, a Depth-Longitude section and for different longitude, a Latitude-Depth section:
Conclusion kept good and adjusted data (quality indices equal to 1 and 3) from all the sites with a data availability of 4 years and more (13 sites) kept good and adjusted data (quality indices equal to 1 and 3) from all the sites with a data availability of 4 years and more (13 sites) For each site, create a climatology all the 5- days, framed by maximum and minimum measured in the 5 days For each site, create a climatology all the 5- days, framed by maximum and minimum measured in the 5 days
L1c files available for simulation in Full Pol and Dual Pol on the same area : L1c files available for simulation in Full Pol and Dual Pol on the same area :AlgovalPlan Study area: 4161 gridpoints Next meeting