1 Boutin et al., Avril 2015, SMOS-OCEAN TOSCA SMOS Salinity anomalies – Towards the correction of SMOS SSS systematic biases - J. Boutin 1, N. Martin 1, N. Kolodziejczyk 1, O. Hernandez 1, G. Reverdin 1, F. Gaillard 2 1 LOCEAN Paris, France 2 LPO/IFREMER, Brest, France
2 Boutin et al., Avril 2015, SMOS-OCEAN TOSCA Outline SSS variability at global scale: SMOS and in situ SSS optimal interpolation results Preliminary results of new SMOS SSS ESA v6
3 Boutin et al., Avril 2015, SMOS-OCEAN TOSCA SMOS Salinity maps CATDS CEC LOCEAN: ESA level 2 SSS (reprocessing version 5) mapped at monthly & 0.25° spatial resolution ; Running average over 100x100km 2 July 2010-June 2014 Ascending + Descending passes available on demand on (CATDS CEC-LOCEAN product)
4 Boutin et al., Avril 2015, SMOS-OCEAN TOSCA Optimal Interpolations of in situ SSS Optimal interpolation of in situ S (ARGO, TAO...) – smoothing ~300km –~0.5° resolution at the equator monthly fields (Myocean product since 2013) Keep only pixels where PCTVAR<80% (100%=no information from in situ data) WOA 2013 climatology ISAS v6 (see description of In Situ Analysis System in Gaillard et al. 2009) Objectively analyzed climatology of in situ S – 1° resolution monthly averaged climatology
5 Boutin et al., Avril 2015, SMOS-OCEAN TOSCA SMOS – ISAS SSS (07/10 to 06/14) current??? Land (<800km) RFIs
6 Boutin et al., Avril 2015, SMOS-OCEAN TOSCA Interannual anomalies Most of SMOS SSS biases are about systematic from one year to the other => build a SMOS monthly SSS climatology (07/ /2014) SMOS SSS anomalies wrt SMOS climatology => interannual variability of SMOS SSS Build ISAS SSS monthly climatology (07/ /2014) ISAS SSS anomalies wrt ISAS climatology => interannual variability of ISAS SSS
7 Boutin et al., Avril 2015, SMOS-OCEAN TOSCA Interannual anomalies (see Durand et al. Ocean Dynamics 2013 (tropical Indian Ocean and IOD); Hasson et al. JGR 2014 (La Niña in tropical Pacific Ocean)
8 Boutin et al., Avril 2015, SMOS-OCEAN TOSCA Further than 800km from the continents 100km-monthly SMOS SSS wrt ISAS SSS and SMOS wrt ISAS SSSanomalies 0.2
9 Boutin et al., Avril 2015, SMOS-OCEAN TOSCA Further than 1200km from the continents 100km-monthly SMOS SSS wrt ISAS SSS and SMOS wrt ISAS SSSanomalies 0.2 When monthly systematic biases are removed, RMSD (SMOS-ISAS) ~0.2 but ISAS is not the truth (it is smoothed over ~300km) and it is affected by ARGO undersampling...) – Doing similar exercise with ship SSS averaged over 0.25° in SPURS region, we found 0.15 (Hernandez et al. 2014)!
10 Boutin et al., Avril 2015, SMOS-OCEAN TOSCA Biais cotiers: non visibles sur anomalies SSS => biais systematiques => correction? Kolodziejczyk (LOCEAN), Vergely (ACRI-st), Martin (LOCEAN), Marchand (LOCEAN), Boutin (LOCEAN) SMOS (Asc) – ISAS SSS – 4 year mean – All dwells
11 Boutin et al., Avril 2015, SMOS-OCEAN TOSCA Le biais en Tb dépend de la position dans le FOV => biais SSS dépend de la positions across track ~100km à gauche du centre ~100km à droite du centre
12 Boutin et al., Avril 2015, SMOS-OCEAN TOSCA Correction simple: on ote un Biais moyen (3ans) /ISAS